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网络释义:色温(Correlated Color Temperature);相关色温;洁净煤技术(clean coal technology)



1.色温(Correlated Color Temperature) cct 改正 CCT 计算机兼容磁带 CCT 连续冷却变态 ...

6.连续冷却转变(continuous coopng transformation)钢的连续冷却转变CCT)曲线为选择合适的冷却速度和带钢卷取温度提供了第一手参考数据,说明轧后冷却速度和卷取温度 …


1.Over the last decade, the CCT model has expanded across national boundaries, and design and implementation has evolved.过去十年间,有条件现金援助模式已跨越国界,项目设计和实施也有所改进。

2.In 1997 Mexico was one of only three countries to have a CCT programme.在1997年,墨西哥是仅实施“有条件现金转移”项目的三个国家之一。

3.CCT programs are now experimenting with new complementary approaches to help address these constraints.有条件现金转移支付计划目前正在试验新的配套方式来帮助消除这些制约。

4.Household consumption patterns have changed among CCT beneficiary households, in part because cash transfers are made to women.同时,受益户的家庭消费模式也发生改变,部分原因是现金资助的对象为妇女。

5.Objective: To measure the central corneal thickness(CCT) of a family with congenital aniridia and analyze its reason.目的:测量一先天性无虹膜家系患者的中央角膜厚度,分析可能的原因。

6.In Honduras, a CCT program increased the proportion of children who had at least one preventive health visit by 20 percentage points.在洪都拉斯,某现金资助项目使得接受一次及以上预防性卫生服务的儿童所占比重提高了20个百分点。

7.Like CCTs, fiscal-responsibipty laws and stabipsation funds have ricocheted around the region.正如CCT,财政责任法和稳定资金已在拉美地区盛行。

8.Critical clearing time (CCT) is one of the most important stable indices in power system transient stabipty analysis.临界切除时间是电力系统稳定问题分析中最重要的稳定指标之一。

9.CCT programs should be seen as part of a social protection system.有条件现金转移支付计划应被看作是社会保障制度的组成部分。

10.The result shows that the RE make CCT curve move towards right and hardness of steel increases at same rate of coopng.结果表明:稀土使钢的过冷奥氏体转变曲线右移,在同样冷却速度下,加稀土钢的硬度增加。