



美式发音: [ɡaʊdʒ] 英式发音: [ɡaʊdʒ]




复数:gouges  现在分词:gouging  过去式:gouged  同义词

v.scratch,score,scrape,mark,cut into





n.1.a long deep mark left by a sharp object2.a tool with a curved blade that is used for digging out part of something sopd

v.1.to cut long deep holes in something2.to make someone pay more money than they should

1.凿槽 部件因冻结或侵蚀而不能操作 GD 凿槽 gouged 部件因凿槽而损坏 GO ...

2.圆凿 laminated adj. 薄板[薄片]状的, 层积的,层压的 gouged n. 圆凿, 沟, 以圆凿刨 highly adv. 高地, 非常 ...


1.Younis assassination report: Alokla Several of his fingers had been cut off, one eye gouged out, his stomach cut open and his body burned.尤尼斯暗杀申报:他的手指被堵截,挖出一只眼,他的肚子剖开,尸体被销毁。

2.Then he seized the cat and gouged out its eyes; now all that was needed was the heart.然后,他们又把猫抓住,把猫的眼睛剜出来。现在只缺个心了。

3."If I'd done everything they say I've done, she'd have gouged my eyes out. And I can tell you, she has very long finger nails. "“如果真如检查官所言,她会把我的眼珠挖出来。我可以告诉你们,她的指甲可长了。”

4.Claw marks gouged into the cave wall showed the bear was not killed direct by the fall. It made a desperate attempt to cpmb back out.山洞墙壁上挖凿的爪印显示出熊并非死于直接坠亡。它曾绝望地想爬出这个山洞。

5.His head, anyway. All blood and his eyes half gouged.那颗人头血淋淋的,眼睛被抠出来了。

6.For I testify to you that, if possible, you would have gouged out your eyes and given them to me.那时你们若能行,就是把自己的眼睛剜出来给我,也都情愿。

7.Now you better get fitted for a black eyepatch in case one of yours gets gouged out by a bushy-haired stranger in a dimly-pt parking lot.现在你最好戴上黑色眼罩,以防在光线昏暗的停车场叫一个头发浓密的陌生人把你的一只眼睛挖掉。

8.Thus as punishment, she was tortured by having her eyes gouged out, and then killed.为了惩罚折磨她,他们挖出她的双眼,然后才杀了她。

9.The criminal gouged out his eyes.罪犯挖出了他的眼睛。

10.We reach the top of a small bluff where three mud-brick classrooms stand, their walls gouged with bullet holes, their roofs missing.我们爬到一个小陡坡的顶上,那儿有三间泥砖教室。墙上都是子弹眼,屋顶也没了。