


网络释义:通用并行文件系统(general parallel file system);General Purpose File System;并行文件系统集群


1.通用并行文件系统(general parallel file system)ile System (HDFS) 和IBM's General Purpose File System (GPFS)也存在。

3.并行文件系统集群 服务 …


1.Run this command on all disks to be used for the GPFS file system.对GPFS文件系统要使用的所有磁盘运行该命令。

2.The new system also benefits from a file system known as GPFS that was developed at IBM Almaden to enable supercomputers faster data access.该新系统也有益于IBM阿马尔登开发的用于使超级计算机快速读取数据的文件系统GPFS。

3.It allows users to perform SNMP service collection from a defined Linux OS collector node in the GPFS cluster to a management node.用户可以在GPFS集群中定义的Linux操作系统收集器节点上执行SNMP服务收集,并将信息发送到管理节点。

4.The combination of GPFS and the DS4500 provides for a redundant storage subsystem in case of disk failure.GPFS和DS4500共同构成了一个冗余存储子系统,预防磁盘故障。

5.GPFS allows both the master and backup nodes to have concurrent access to all of the files in the cluster.GPFS允许主节点和备份节点并发访问集群中的所有文件。

6.With GPFS, for the file system to remain available, a quorum of nodes needs to be available.通过GPFS,若要使文件系统保持可用,就需要有一个有效的节点仲裁。

7.These include the installation of the GPFS code on each node and the configuration of the Qlogic adapters for the storage nodes.内容包括在每个节点上安装GPFS代码,以及为存储节点配置Qlogic适配器。

8.The GPFS portabipty layer (PL) is kernel-specific, and it must be created separately for each operating system level within your cluster.GPFS可移植层(PL)是内核特有的,必须为集群中的每个操作系统级别单独创建。

9.GPFS uses this internode access to allow any node in the GPFS cluster to run relevant commands on other nodes.GPFS使用这个中间节点的访问允许GPFS集群中的任何节点在其他节点上运行相关命令。

10.For this example, two main CSM groups are defined for use during the GPFS configuration, as shown below.对于本例来说,我们定义了两个主要的CSM组在配置GPFS过程中使用,如下所示。