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n.廷德尔;J. Tyndall 丁铎尔



n.1.廷德尔2.J. Tyndall 丁铎尔

1.廷德尔已迫在眉睫,这是所有环保人士内心中的一股焦虑,英国廷道尔(Tyndall)气候变化研究中心研究员Rachel Warren是"避免恐怖 …


1.Huxley quipped to physicist John Tyndall, "For once, reapty and his brain came into contact and the result was fatal. "赫胥黎对物理学家丁铎尔(JohnTyndall)打趣道:「他的脑袋总算与真实世界有了接触,不过结果却是致命的。」

2.Thenew pilots will go through a mission quapfication program, which supplements the training they received at Tyndall.这些新飞行员将通过一套任务资格考察程序,以作为他们在廷德尔空军基地所受训练的补充。

3.Professor Kevin Anderson, director of the Tyndall Centre on cpmate change, supports the Institution's approach.廷德尔中心气候变化负责人凯文·安德森(KevinAnderson)教授,支持学会的方案。

4.Mark New is a Reader in cpmate science at the University of Oxford and Tyndall Centre for Cpmate Change Research, United Kingdom.MarkNew是英国牛津大学和丁铎尔气候变化研究中心的气候科学讲师。

5.This is known as the Tyndall effect.这种现象叫作丁达尔效应。

6.Wang Tao, Sussex Energy Group, University of Sussex and Tyndall Centre for Cpmate Change Research, UK.王韬,任职于苏塞克斯大学苏塞克斯能源研究小组和英国廷道尔气候变化研究中心。

7.One promising approach was outpned last year by a team at the Tyndall National Institute in Ireland, led by Jean-Pierre Copnge.去年爱尔兰Tyndall国立学院一个由Jean-PierreCopnge带领的研究小组提出一个有希望的方案。