


网络释义:隐私卫士(GNU Privacy Guard);公钥;格令加仑


1.隐私卫士(GNU Privacy Guard) wheel 用户组即可。 gpg 公钥 samba 是否安装,以及版本 ...

3.格令加仑 GPDC 通用数字计算机 GPG 格令加仑 GPG 克加仑 ...


1.It is often desirable to be able to use a GPG key on more than one computer, for instance at home and at work, or on a desktop and a laptop.很多人都希望能在多台电脑上使用同一个GPG密钥而不论这些机器是台式机还是笔记本,也不管它们位于家中还是办公室。

2.Please ensure to take enough fingerprints of your GnuPG key with you so others can sign it.请务必携带足够多的GPG密钥指纹,那么你可以和其他人签署。

3.Any messages encrypted using GPG can be decrypted with GPG, PGP, or any number of e-mail cpent plug-ins that support either program.使用GPG加密的任何消息都可以使用GPG、PGP或支持任一程序的任何数量的电子邮件客户机插件来解密。

4.The selected file may not be a GPG key file or it might be corrupt.所选文件可能不是GPG密钥文件或者已经损坏。

5.The selected data may not be a GPG key file or it might be corrupt.选择的数据可能不是一个GPG密钥或者它已经损坏了。

6.With these, you can build package always with your GPG key and avoid including undesired components.使用这个配置,你就可以总是使用你的GPG密钥来构造软件包并避免不希望的部件。

7.Even storing keys on a laptop can be troublesome--if the laptop gets stolen, so does your GPG key.即使存在笔记本里,也照样有麻烦……如果笔记本被盗,GPG密钥就随它去了。

8.As a security measure, most software repositories use a GPG key to digitally sign the files they provide.作为安全措施,绝大多数软件源使用GPG密钥对所提供的文件进行数字签名。

9.You can also protect the privacy of your data by using the many encryption tools that are available (GPG, TrueCrypt, . . . ).你也可以通过使用各种可以获得的加密工具(GPG,TrueCrypt,……)来保护自己的隐私。

10.The only input that will be required of you is your GPG key secret pass phrase, twice.唯一需要你输入的是你的GPG密钥的密码,两次。