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abbr.(=side-impact dummy)(试验新汽车侧面碰撞对乘客会有何影响用的)侧撞试验假人




abbr.1.(=side-impact dummy)(试验新汽车侧面碰撞对乘客会有何影响用的)侧撞试验假人


abbr.1.(=side-impact dummy)

1.安全标识符 Sebastian 塞巴斯帝安 Sid 锡德 Sidney 悉尼 ...


1.Sid knew from the expression on Tom's face that it would be unwise to ask him any questions.锡特从汤姆的脸色就已看出,向他提出什么疑问是不明智的。

2.So it would be a crucial thing to improve the value of the practical work that children do, the sort of work we did with Sid.所以,提倡孩子们实际观察、亲自动手有着至关重要的意义,就像当年锡德带我们做的那些事一样。

3.But the squirrels squirrels Sid Sid is always, as long as he do not hit the scene!但松鼠席德永远是松鼠席德,只要他出手没有不出事的!

4.Later that evening his brother Sid was a bad boy. He took some sweets.这天晚上,希德干坏事了:他偷吃了一些糖。

5.Manny and sid after consulting with a child to find decided to bring the children back to their human.曼尼和希德商量后决定带着小孩去寻找人类把小孩还给他们。

6.Grant the Associated External Account right to the external account (Account B) or to a well-known SID.授予外部帐户(帐户B)或常用SID“关联外部帐户”权利。

7.The men had known each other since college and Sid was one of the few people who'd be completely straight with Dennis.他们两人大学就认识了,席德是对丹尼斯非常坦率的仅有的几人之一。

8.I suppose the most famous case of all was that of Sid Nedeau.我想最有名的越狱犯是锡德·尼都。

9.It is possible to set the Associated External Account and the msExchMasterAccountSid to any well-known SID or external account.可以将关联外部帐户和msExchMasterAccountSid设置为任何常见SID或外部帐户。

10.Sid had better judgment of it than to utter the thought that was in his mind as he left the house.席德离开家里的时候,他对这桩事情是心中有数的,不过他觉得还是不把心里的想法说出来为好。