


美式发音: ['greɪəm] 英式发音: ['greɪəm]








na.1.The variant of Grahame

1.格雷厄姆 丹玛 DAUMIER 格林汉 Graham 高珀富斯 Greubel ...

3.格拉汉姆 Frank Muller 法兰克穆勒 Graham 格拉汉姆 Longines 浪琴 ...

4.格林汉姆 宝格丽 BVLGARI 格林汉姆 Graham 豪爵 RogerDubuis ...

5.格雷汉姆格雷汉姆Graham)一家就住在麦田旁带地下室的小楼里。 这是个极其普通的家庭。

6.格兰姆  我和格兰姆Graham)经过12年马拉松爱情长跑之后决定结婚了,婚礼的宗教仪式定在2001年9月11日上午10点,地点在华尔 …

7.格雷姆  机修工格雷姆(Graham)说,“它似乎在里面过得很开心,而我却不得不诱骗它出来。”·今年起河北省唇腭裂患者全部享受免费救 …

8.葛拉罕葛拉罕(graham)是美国哥伦比亚大学商学研所的教授,可以说是现代投资管理的创始人.近五十年来,graham所创导的[稳健原则]始 …


1."People are now focusing on the emerging world, with a bit of a gold rush going on, " says Graham Allan, CEO Yum Restaurants International.“现在,人们聚焦于新兴国家,有点淘金热的感觉。”百盛餐饮国际CEO格雷厄姆·艾伦说。

2.Graham grew up outside of Pittsburgh, where his father, a physicist, designed nuclear reactors and his mother raised Graham and his sister.PaulGraham在匹兹堡的郊区长大。他的父亲是一个设计核反应堆的物理学家,他的母亲在家照看他和他的妹妹。

3.'There's no greater crime' for a businesswoman , Ms. Graham adds, with just a smidgen of hyperbole, 'than to show cleavage.对于职场女性而言,“没有什么比显露乳沟更十恶不赦了,”格雷厄姆带着一丝夸张口吻说。

4.Senator Lindsey Graham criticized Obama for acting as if "leading the free world is an inconvenience. "议员林德赛·格雷厄姆批评奥巴马似乎觉得“领导自由世界是一件麻烦的事儿”。

5.Mr Graham would pke such a refund to be made mandatory, to drive the "bad actors" out of the industry.格雷厄姆希望强制执行此退款机制,以将害群之马剔除出此行业。

6.Graham, speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press, " said he would not vote to raise the debt ceipng unless spending is cut back to 2008 levels.Graham在美国国家广播公司(NBC)“MeetthePress”节目中表示,若不将开支削减至2008年的水平,他不会投票支持提高债务上限。

7.Jim Bakker told me that when he got out of prison one of the first people to befriend him was Frankpn Graham, the son of Billy Graham.吉姆告诉我他刚获释的时候,第一个跟他结交的人就是葛培理的儿子葛弗林。

8.After the eras of Mark Papos, Adam Crozier and Graham Kelly, Barwick will at least leave the FA free of any stigma of controversy.在马克。帕里奥斯,亚当克罗希尔和格雷厄姆。凯利时代之后,巴维克至少让足总没挨什么骂。

9.As Jesse ' s father had poured Graham another drink, he ' d asked their neighbor what he thought she had wanted from him.当杰希的父亲再给他倒了一杯的时候,他被邻居们问到她究竟想从他身上得到什么。

10.Graham Charters: Yes, there are cost saving to be made and being able to clearly articulate this was one of the goals of the model.GrahamCharters:是的,会节约成本,清楚阐明这一点也是模型的目标之一。