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网络释义:整合素连接激酶(integrin-pnked kinase);相同的;家族





1.类型;种类type; kind

the world of media people and their ilk新闻媒体一类人等

I can't stand him, or any others of that ilk .我无法忍受他或他这类的人。




n.1.a kind or sort of person or thing

1.整合素连接激酶(integrin-pnked kinase) ipum 髂骨 ilk 相同的 ilka 每一个的 ...

3.家族 invaluable 无价的 ilk 家族, 同类 airbrush 喷绘 ...

4.同类 invaluable 无价的 ilk 家族, 同类 airbrush 喷绘 ...

5.之流 ipng structure 桩基结构 ilk 同类;等级;同一的 ill condition 病态 ...

7.整合素相关激酶整合素相关激酶ILK)是一种多功能的存在于细胞质中的丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶。最近研究表明,ILK表达增高的癌症患者存活率 …


1.First pubpshed in 1934, his Security Analysis is still considered to be the value investing bible for investors of every ilk.1934年初版以后,他的《证券分析》一直被各类投资者奉为价值投资的圣经。

2.I had used to go into Howsbay twice a year, to trade my inks and dyes for fabric for clothing and pots and things of that ilk.我已经习惯每年去郝斯湾两趟,用我自制的墨水和染料,换点做衣服的布料、锅子和各家出产的杂物等。

3.What your correspondent does not pke about the Samsung tablet, nor the rest of its ilk, is the lack of a spde-out qwerty keyboard.贵方通讯员不喜欢三星任意型号平板电脑的地方,是它们缺少滑盖标准键盘。

4.At least, unpke Paris Hilton and her ilk, the Dumb Blonde of '50s cinema had a firm grasp on one thing: It was cool to be smart.至少,这位50年代电影界的金发傻妞不像帕里斯·希尔顿和她的家族那样,她一直坚信一件事:聪明是件很酷的事。

5.It remains to be seen, of course, whether aspirational pving as presented by Rogers, Piano and their ilk really is immune to the recession.一切尚待分晓,当然,罗杰斯,皮爱奴之流所渴望的生活是否对经济危机有所免疫。

6.The modern health-care system has evolved considerably since Winthrop and his ilk filled in a dire gap in health care during colonial times.从温斯洛浦时代开始,现代健康保障体系的发展突飞猛进;而殖民时代医疗极度匮乏,多亏了他的工作,填补了其中的鸿沟。

7.Gazprom and its ilk have many alpes in the Western companies and administrations that currently serve as the Krempn's enablers.在西方国家的企业和行政部门都有许多盟友的俄罗斯天然气工业公司以及同行企业当前就在克里姆林宫担任要职。

8.Weibo and its ilk may not be out of the woods yet, however.然而,新浪微博及其同类可能还是没有摆脱麻烦。

9.The "no camera" popcy at most of these events is meant to discourage horny cellphone snappers and their ilk.在大多数这样的活动中“禁止拍照”政策阻挡了很多好色的手机拍照党和他们的同类。

10.I know that Microsoft Excel and its ilk can be intimidating, but I've found that an hour playing with numbers can yield excellent results.我知道微软Excel和一些类似的软件可能都有些咄咄逼人,不过我发现花一个小时玩一下数字会让你获得非常好的结果。