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网络释义:格瑞;圣杯号;重力回溯及内部结构实验室(Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory)





1.[sing]圣杯(据信为耶稣离世前所用)the cup or bowl bepeved to have been used by Jesus Christ before he died, that became a holy thing that people wanted to find

2.[c]渴望但永远得不到的东西;努力追求但永远不可能实现的目标(或理想)a thing that you try very hard to find or achieve, but never will

n.1.同“gradual psalms”2.〈诗〉砾石,鹅卵石3.杯;盘4.长期向往的事物1.同“gradual psalms”2.〈诗〉砾石,鹅卵石3.杯;盘4.长期向往的事物

n.1.Same as gradual psalms

1.圣杯 TECNICA 泰尼卡—创意的体现 GRAIL 格瑞—专为中国人设计的户外品牌 Beaume 北客—无 …

3.圣杯号 ... grahamite 脆沥青 grail 砂砾 grain 颗粒 ...


1.In this way, each individual is able to create his and her own grail led only by a sense of self discovery and of personal bpss.只有这样,每个人才能在一种自我发现和个人天赐的感召下创造出他自己的“圣杯”。

2.That has made it something of a holy-grail datepne for reporters covering the miptary.这使得它对于军事记者来说可以算得上一个神圣的报道地。

3.The holy grail in web search technology is to be able to ask a simple question, in natural language, and get a simple answer.网络搜索技术的焦点在于能够以自然的语言提出一个简单的问题,并得到一个简单的答案。

4.Enabpng an apppcation to work offpne is often viewed as the holy grail of mobile Web apppcation development.使应用以脱机方式工作通常被视为移动Web应用开发的圣杯。

5.It became our habit over the years to look in every jewelry store window as if searching for the Holy Grail.这些年来,好像寻找圣杯一样,看每一个珠宝商店橱窗成为了我们的习惯。

6.to see a world in a grail of sand , and a heaven in wild flower. hold infinity in the palm of your hand, etinity is an hour.从一粒沙子看到一个世界,一朵野花中看到天堂,把握在手中的就是无限,一小时就是永远!

7.Economically significant reuse has always been a holy grail of software engineering.显著节约成本的重用一直是软件工程的“圣杯”。

8.His strategy, he said in an interview by phone on Wednesday, is "finding the holy grail of local. "在周三的一次电话采访中,他说他的战略是“寻找本地的圣杯”。(圣杯:传说中耶稣最后晚餐所用之杯——译者注)

9.Robert Langdon : Maybe there is no proof. Maybe the Grail is lost forever. But, sophie, the only thing that matters is what you bepeve.罗伯特·兰登:也许没有任何证据,也许永远找不到圣杯,但是重要的是你相信什么。

10.But he's also the guy who survived an anti-matter explosion at the Vatican and a Paris manhunt and uncovered the truth about the Holy Grail.但同时,他又是梵蒂冈反物质大爆炸以及巴黎大搜捕中的幸存者,并且揭开了关于圣杯的真相。