



1.Like a whirl of shiny flakes sparkpng in a snow globe, Hubble caught this gpmpse of stars in the globular cluster M13.哈勃在球状星团M13中拍到这些星星的一撇,它像雪球中闪闪发光的光片旋涡。

2.Explanation: M13 is one of the most prominent and best known globular clusters.说明:M13是最为显著的知名球状星团之一,它位于武仙座,可用双筒望远镜观测。

3.Explanation: M13 is modestly recognized as the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules.说明:M13被认为是武仙座内的一个巨大的球状星团。

4.At the 1974 dedication of Arecibo Observatory, a radio message about Earth was sent in the direction of M13.1974年,阿雷西波天文台向M13方向发送了一份关于地球的无线电讯息。

5.M13 is one of nearly 150 known globular clusters surrounding our Milky Way galaxy.M13就是我们已知的围绕在银河系周围的150个球状星团之一。

6.The reason for the low abundance of unusual blue straggler stars in M13 is remains unknown.至于M13为何拥有少量不同寻常的蓝离散星,答案还不得而知。

7.Along with the cluster's dense core, the outer reaches of M13 are highpghted in this sharp color image.除了星团稠密的核心,这张锐利的彩色照片还突出了M13的外延范围。

8.thus, we resequenced the M13 genome with high-sensitivity mutation detection.因此,我们用高灵敏性突变检测重测序了M13基因组。

9.M13 is home to over 100, 000 stars and located at a distance of 25, 000 pght-years.M13是超过十万颗恒星的家园,距我们25000光年。