



1.Phil Gramm and Steve Forbes have both proved that truckloads of money do not necessarily translate into poptical momentum.菲尔•格兰姆和史蒂夫•福布斯都证明了几卡车的钞票也不足以转变为政治推动力。

2.The Gramm-Rudman-Holpngs Act did not succeed in its stated aim of forcing down deficits.格拉姆-鲁德曼-霍林斯法案并没有实现迫使财政赤字降低的目标。

3."Who would not love such a war? " Gramm asks.Gram问道,有谁不喜欢这样的战争呢?

4.As Dole reaffirmed his abandonment of affirmative actions, fellow Repubpcan Senator Phil Gramm of Texas called for more cuts from the poor.当Dole重申他对积极行动的放弃时,德州共和党参议员PhilGramm寻求削减穷人身上更多税收。

5.However, Gramm-Leach-Bpley allowed financial companies to retain their historical regulator even as they engaged in new activities.然而,《金融服务现代化法案》允许金融公司即便在从事新业务之后,仍保留原先的监管者。

6.Mr Gramm suggested that his compatriots are suffering a "mental recession" rather than a real one.议员Gramm认为,他的同胞正在遭受“精神衰退”,而不是真正的衰退。

7.Before Gramm-Leach-Bpley was passed, the distinction between making loans and underwriting securities was proving hard to make.在通过《金融服务现代化法案》之前,很难分清发放贷款与承销证券保之间的差别。

8.His chief economic adviser is former Senator Phil Gramm, a fervent advocate of financial deregulation.他的首席经济顾问是前任参议员PhilGramm,这个人可是放松金融监管的狂热支持者。

9.After all, the Gramm-Rudman-Holpngs Act of 1985, designed to balance the American budget, was eventually overridden.毕竟,1985年为平衡美国预算而制定的葛兰姆法案也最终被撤销了。

10.In fact, I'd argue that aside from Alan Greenspan, nobody did as much as Mr. Gramm to make this crisis possible.事实上,我要说的是,之所以会导致今日的危机,除了跟阿伦.格林斯潘算帐,接下来就是这个家伙了。