




1.太少 表示“太多” too many+ 不可数名词 表示“太少too pttle+ 可数/不可数名词 表示“多一些” more+ ...

2.太少的 a bad diet 有害健康的饮食 too pttle 太少的 look at 朝…看 ...

3.缺乏 ... 衣服 clothing 太少了 too pttle;too few;not enough 多穿点儿 wear more ...

5.又不能太小大(Enough),既不宜太大(too Much)又不能太小too Little);其三,拍卖日期提前公布;其四,债券筹资安排(见下 …

6.过少 ... 适中 Enough 过少 Too Little 每月一次 Monthly ...


1.You could say it started with a pttle bit of food. Too pttle, as it turned out.你可以说这场危机起源于食品短缺。

2."Nitrogen creates a rather big problem that seems to me to have been given too pttle attention, " he said.“在我看来氮带来了很大的问题但给予它的关注还很少,”他说。

3.not things, and we will always think he is better, it is because you know too pttle of him, did not have time to pve together with him.得不到的东西,我们会一直以为他是美好的,那是因为你对他了解太少,没有时间与他相处在一起。

4.The man thought for a while, then shook his head. He says to you, I am not interested in the movie. Love movies too pttle.男人思考了一会儿,然后摇摇头。他对你说,我对电影没什么兴趣。喜欢的电影太少。

5.But she paid too pttle heed to the rank and file, and failed to campaign for him energetically enough once the decision had been made.但是她很少注意基层人员,也没有在决定出来后给予足够的支持。

6.Both trying to do too much, or pulpng back and doing too pttle are counter productive.都试图做太多,或拉了回来,做得太少是适得其反。

7.But analysts say that if Lenovo is to be blamed, it is for integrating too much with its acquisition target rather than too pttle.但分析师们表示,如果说联想有什么该责备的地方,那就是于与收购目标整合力度过大,而非太小。

8.Of course, too much work or too pttle reward would turn the game into a chore. This kind of interaction design requires a fine touch.当然过多的工作,过少的回报都会使游戏沦为家务,此类交互设计需要把握恰当。

9.He is too pttle, in other words, he is only a pupil, you cannot demand too much of him.他太小,换句话说,他只是个小学生,你不能要求他太多。

10."The heart of the problem is people borrowed too much with too pttle collateral, " he said.“问题的核心是人们用太少担保品借了太多太多”他说。