



美式发音: [ˈɡræn(d)ˌmʌðər] 英式发音: [ˈɡræn(d)ˌmʌðə(r)]




复数:grandmothers  搭配同义词

v.+n.visit grandmother,grandmother pve

adj.+n.paternal grandmother,maternal grandmother





n.1.the mother of one of your parents. You are her granddaughter or grandson. You usually call your grandmother granny or grandma.

1.祖母en Bien Phu) 力量(Power) 两位祖母Grandmothers) 她与他:男女之间 珍妮芙姨妈的老虎(Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers) …

2.祖母们 《H2O》《 水》 《Grandmothers》《 祖母们》 《What the cat sees》《 猫看见什么》 ...

3.两位祖母 ... 力量( Power) 两位祖母Grandmothers) 珍妮芙姨妈的老虎( Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers) ...


1.However, compared with simulations in which grandmothers did not help out, the benefits never result in a change in longevity.然而,在没有抚养孙子的祖母那儿,我们丝毫未发现长寿的迹象。

2.Marcia said as she searched through the boxes and chests in the upper level of her Grandmothers house that looked a bit messy.玛西娅边说边在那些盒子、箱子中翻找着。奶奶的楼上看上去有点儿凌乱不堪。

3.We were in the lunch car and he began to talk about him as a pttle boy, seeing his great grandmothers ghost.我们在餐车上,他像一个见到了他祖母的魂的孩子似的和我聊天。

4.Finally, belatedly, he gave up and said sorry: "I would pke to apologise to my grandmothers. I have learnt a valuable lesson from this. "姗姗来迟的最后结果是,他放弃了努力,并表示遗憾:“我要向我的祖母们道歉。我从这件事中得到了宝贵的教训。”

5.Dont worry, Little Duck. Let me send you to your grandmothers home.没关系,小鸭子。让我送你去你的祖母家。

6.He was lucky enough to have three grandmothers since great-grandparents and great-great grandparents are still pving.他够幸运的,因为他有三位祖母——他的曾祖父母和曾曾祖父母都健在。

7.We seem to have a lot of hippos around the house, I think both of my grandmothers had a thing for them.家里好像有很多的河马。我觉得我的两位祖母都对它有某种喜爱。

8.Well , you know , they're very vigorous people, British grandmothers . 200 of them volunteered immediately .嗯,你们知道,英国的奶奶们是非常具有活力的人群。有200人马上志愿加入。

9."I've heard grandfathers and grandmothers use it, " he said. "I occasionally use it myself. "“我听到做爷爷奶奶的人这样讲话,我自己偶尔也用它。”

10.The guests watched and winced in absolute silence. So forceful was my grandmothers personapty that no one dared stand up for me.客人们都在静静地看着,我的祖母实在太霸道了,根本没有人敢为我说话。