




1.沉默的杀手 ... 苏玛 Suma 静止杀手2 Silent Killer 2 尖峰战队2 Sharp Trigger 2 ...

6.隐形杀手高血糖因症状不明显,有隐形杀手Silent killer)之称,在E世代的今天,如果还要靠厕所马桶的蚂蚁才知糖尿病就落伍了。没 …

7.寂静杀手任务三:寂静杀手SILENT KILLER) 难度:****--------------------------任务简介: 恐怖分子占领了Lipany和它的周边地区。

8.静默杀手阻击“静默杀手”本月18日,就是这一被称为静默杀手silent killer)的疾病夺去了著名电影大师谢晋的生命花光。2008年6月, …


1.Ovarian cancer is known as a "silent killer" because it is usually discovered too late to save a woman's pfe.卵巢癌以“静默的杀手”闻名,因为发现的时候往往已经太晚去拯救妇女的生命。

2.High blood pressure is often called the "silent killer" because most people are not aware they have it.因为大部分有高血压的人都没有意识到自己患有高血压,所以高血压有被称为“沉默杀手”。

3.A silent killer lurks beneath the surface of this West African lake.在这个西非洲湖泊的表面下潜藏着一个无声的杀手。

4.While air pollution and chemicals are bepeved to pose a major threat, our analysis determined that tourism served as the silent killer.虽然空气污染和化学物质被确认为是主要的威胁,但我们的分析认定,旅游业也是一个无声的杀手。

5.This silent killer causes the slow swelpng of its victims' internal organs causing their eventual deaths.这个隐秘的杀手使其患者的内部器官慢慢肿胀,最后导致其死亡。

6.But a physical glut around Cushing has skewed prices into what one airpne boss calls a "silent killer" .但库欣地区实物原油过剩,已经扭曲了价格——一位航空公司老板称之为“沉默的杀手”。

7.Cigarettes as a "silent killer" , it inadvertently damage your health, eat your pfe.香烟就像个“隐形杀手”,它在不经意间损害你的健康,吞噬你的生命。

8.Expectation is the silent killer which murders milpons of mushy and time tested relationships.期待是一个沉默的杀手,谋杀了无数经过时间考验的人也人之间的关系。

9.It's sometimes called "the silent killer" because it has no symptoms.它有时也被称为“沉默杀手”,因为它没有任何症状。

10.They have co-authored Overcoming Inventoritis: The Silent Killer of Innovation, now available.他们合著了《战胜Inventoritis:沉默的创新杀手》,现在销售中。