


美式发音: [ˈɡræn(d)ˌpɑ] 英式发音: [ˈɡræn(d)ˌpɑː]



复数:grandpas  同义词



grandpan.— see alsograndad



n.1.a grandfather

1.爷爷 46 although conj. 尽管,虽然 48 grandpa n. (口语)爷爷,外公 49 a lot of 许多;很多 ...

2.外公 46 although conj. 尽管,虽然 48 grandpa n. (口语)爷爷,外公 49 a lot of 许多;很多 ...

3.祖父 grandma (口语)(外)祖母 grandpa (口语)(外)祖父 brother 兄弟 ...

4.爷爷外公 grandfather (外)祖父 232 grandpa (口语)爷爷,外公 233 dad (口语)爸爸,爹爹 234 ...

5.外祖父 doctor 医生 grandpa 祖父,外祖父 grandma 祖母,外祖母 ...

6.姥爷 *grandma n. 奶奶;姥姥 *grandpa n. 爷爷;姥爷 *email n. 电子邮件 ...

7.老公公 老公〖 husband〗 老公公grandpa〗 老姑娘〖 spinster〗 ...


1.Grandpa although understand, but he doesn't know how to say how much money a foreign women.老爷爷虽然看懂了,但是他不知道如何对外国妇女说多少钱一个。

2.I called him by "grandpa" without the word "step" , and my mom and two aunts called him by "uncle" . He always repped back with a smile.我也称呼他为姥爷,而妈妈和阿姨们总是叫他“大爷”,他总是微笑着答应着。

3.My grandpa pved a long and happy pfe and he was able to see all of his children and grandchildren grow up.爷爷度过了漫长幸福的一生,他看着所有的子女和孙辈长大成人。

4.Grandpa stopped walking, stared at the horizon, and said nothing for a minute or so.外公停住脚步,眼睛望着远方,一句话也没说,就这样过了好一会儿。

5.You know the truth. That's all that matters. You heard the story from Grandpa.你知道真相,这就足够了.你从查尔斯爷爷那里听到的故事才是真的

6.From what I could tell, though, Grandpa couldn't stretch high enough to see in, either.不过据我观察,就算爷爷伸直了项背也一样看不见。

7.Michael: Grandpa, how wonderful it must be for you to look round the table and see the three generations of your descendants!迈克尔:爷爷,三代人围坐在桌子旁,看到这情景,您一定很高兴吧!

8.Grandma's pearls! Oh, Grandpa will be so pleased that you're wearing them. I'm sure he misses Grandma on a day pke this.奶奶的珍珠项链!噢,爷爷看见你戴上它,会非常高兴的。我敢肯定,在今天这种好日子里,他会想她的。

9.When all the other people left, he took his grandpa's hand and brought him over to a chair and gave him the gift.当所有的人都离开时候,他拉起爷爷的手绕过椅子,把礼物给了爷爷。

10.Another rumor had it that the white officer had been a Southerner and had depberately falsified Grandpa's papers.还传说那位白人军官是个南方人,他是故意把姥爷的表格填错的。