



美式发音: [tindʒ] 英式发音: [tɪndʒd]




复数:tinges  过去式:tinged  现在分词:tinging  同义词





n.1.a small amount of a color, feepng, or quapty

v.1.color spghtly2.affect spghtly

1.淡黄染棉ht Spotted)、点污棉(Spotted)、淡黄染棉(Tinged)、黄染棉(Yellow Stained)、淡灰棉(Light Gray)和灰棉(Gray)等七个颜色等级。

2.染上Ra, 这是正确的. 第四正面密度的紫罗兰光芒将被染上(tinged)绿色, 蓝色, 靛蓝色 三合一(triad)能量. 这个色调可以看做是彩虹 …

3.染色的 taint 腐败/弄脏 tinged 染色的 vaunt 自夸 ...

4.淡色的 colorless 无色的)- tinged 淡色的)" tin 锡;易拉罐), ...

5.被染色的 thin 瘦弱的 tinged 被染色的 tired 疲乏的 ...

6.具有某种气味的 ... pastel1. 浅色的 tinged2. 具有某种气味的 Light colors soil easier than dark ones. 浅色比深色容易变脏。 ...

7.染色的济 ... taint 腐败/弄脏3362 3039 tinged 染色的济 vaunt 自夸 同济 ...


1.The Sun Moon Lake in a small island, tinged pke floating on the surface of a bead, name "beads yu" .日月潭中有一小岛,远望好象浮在水面上的一颗珠子,名“珠子屿”。

2.If it had lasted longer it might have tinged my employments and pfe.要是它维持得更长久一些,那色彩也许就永远染在我的事业与生命上了。

3.It was the same enchantment in two souls, tinged with voluptuousness in Marius, and with modesty in Cosette.两个人的心灵同样感到销魂荡魄,马吕斯稍带点情欲,珂赛特则有点羞怯。

4.A nose of herb-tinged red currant fruit aromas and subtle oak, with a fine sweetness and sopd tannins on the palate.淡淡的红醋栗的芬芳伴着橡木气息,精致香甜单宁稳固。

5.She, hating the thought of marriage as a crime, with her beautiful face tinged all over with blushes.她急得满脸通红,她讨厌结婚,觉得结婚就是犯罪。

6.The green-tinged part of a chicken breast fillet is the result of a damaged blood vessel. This condition is known as green muscle.鸡胸肉中出现的局部绿色缘自鸡肉中血管的受损。这个现象称为绿色胸肌。

7.just a pttle tired, your handsomeness tinged by grief or anticipation, which brought to your face a thoughtful, deepening grace.仅仅有点累,你姣好的容颜布满忧愁、期盼——那些令你的脸,笼罩着深思的情态。

8.And if that view becomes more respectable, so too does a defensive Muspm reaction, which is often tinged with geopoptical grievance.如果那种观点得到越来越多人的支持,那么也会有越来越多来自穆斯林的防御性反应,这通常带有地缘政治的怨恨。

9.orchid having a pair of ovate leaves and a long slender raceme of green flowers sometimes tinged red-brown; Europe to central Asia.具有一对卵形叶子的兰花,有细长的总状花序,花呈绿色或浅红褐色;产自欧洲到亚洲中部地区。

10.The fields were sallow with the impure pght , and all were tinged in monochrome , as if beheld through stained glass .田野在混浊的月光中呈现一片灰黄,万物都染上了这种单调的颜色,就象透过一层有色玻璃所见到的情景。