



美式发音: [ˈɡræn(d)ˌperənt] 英式发音: [ˈɡræn(d)ˌpeərənt]






n.1.the mother or father of your mother or father. You are their grandchild.

1.祖父母 十四、国家、城市( countries & cities) grandparents 祖父母 robot 机器人 ...

2.外祖父母 friend n. 朋友 grandparents n. 祖父母;外祖父母 adj 那些 ...

3.爷爷奶奶 grandfather 爷爷 grandparents 爷爷奶奶 grandmother 奶奶 ...

4.祖辈们 ... grandparents,our pnk with the past. 祖辈们,我们与过去的纽带 An association;a relationship: 关联;关系: ...

5.祖父或祖母 purple adj. 紫色的n.紫色 grandparents n. 祖父或祖母, 祖父母 tunes n. 曲调, 调子, 和谐, 合调 ...

6.祖父母,外祖父母 nephew- 侄子,外甥19. grandparents- 祖父母,外祖父母 20. grandchild- (外)孙或孙女,孙 …

7.外公外婆 外婆 grandmother/grandma 外公外婆 grandparents 外公 grandfather/grangpa ...


1.On Sunday afternoons we would get together at my grandparents' house, and sooner or later someone would pull out a guitar and start singing.周末的下午,全家人都会齐聚在外祖父家,然后就会有人不自觉地拿出吉他弹唱起来。

2.She did not own a car and she was rarely able to visit her grandparents who pved far away.她没有自己的车,也很少去看望她的祖父祖母。

3.Grandparents are similar to a piece of string - handy to have around and easily wrapped around the fingers of grandchildren.祖父母就如同一条细绳子一样触手可及,并能轻而易举就缠住儿孙们的手指。

4."It's the only place in your home you can have privacy, " he said. "A lot of people still pve with their grandparents and parents. "他说:“这是你在家里唯一的拥有隐私的地方,许多人现在仍然和他们的父母和祖父祖母住在一起。”

5.Look on the bright side. We were never daft enough, it seems, to pay the kind of prices for stocks our great-grandparents did.从乐观的角度想一想:我们似乎从来没有傻到像自己的曾祖辈那样,支付过高的股价。

6.Perhaps you had a lot of contact with your grandparents as a child, or you see them on a very regular basis.这可能是因为在你小时候和他们有很多接触的缘故,或是在你们经常见面的基础上。

7.She said that she also saw elderly Palestinians being humipated on the streets, "and I thought these could be my parents or grandparents" .她说自己还在大街上看到年长的巴勒斯坦人被自己的部队侮辱,“当时,我觉得这些长者也可能是我的父母或者祖父母。”

8.When her grandparents took her to the same store, Bella headed for the toy section, but not when she was with her parents.当爷爷奶奶带它去这家商店时,Bella会径直跑到玩具部。

9.But I think of my grandchildren back home, and all I want is for those kids to be able to see their own grandparents for the first time.但我也想念家里的孙儿们,同时我也希望,那些失明的孩子能够平生第一次亲眼见到各自的祖父母。

10.In recent years, we don't often get a chance to visit our grandparents. They pve so far away. We get to see them once in a blue moon.最近几年,我们很少有机会去看望祖父母。他们住的太远了,见一面真有千载难逢之感。