


美式发音: [ɡreɪndʒ] 英式发音: [ɡreɪndʒ]



复数:granges  同义词

n.farmhouse,country house,homestead,manor house,ranch



1.农庄;庄园a country house with farm buildings

Thrushcross Grange思拉什克罗斯庄园


n.1.a large country house with farm buildings near it

1.葛兰许 娜的丽( NADRI) 农庄生机( GRANGE) 诺福克( NORFOLK,NF) ...

4.奔富酒王奔富酒王Grange)系列的引入更是改变了整个澳洲葡萄酒的版图。从此,一系列的卓越葡萄酒,包括红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒, …

5.奔富葛兰许奔富葛兰许(Grange)是该庄园历史最悠久、品质最上乘的出品,现在葛兰许已从最初的阿德莱德产区移至巴罗萨产区生产,这 …

6.格兰许格兰许(Grange)这款毫无疑问是最有名的,它已经为奔富酒庄和澳洲红酒赢得了世界性的声誉。奔富的格兰许和Henschke生产 …

7.格兰治却是他们生产了世界级名酒――格兰治grange)。而酿制格兰治的人就是有“澳洲葡萄酒之父”尊称的麦克斯•舒伯特(max sch…


1.He was glad now that Mrs. Grange had not told him the story that was on the tip of her tongue to tell.他现在很高兴格兰奇太太当时没有告诉他那件到了嘴边又缩了回去的事。

2.Now, get my horse, ' she said, addressing her unknown kinsman as she would one of the stable-boys at the Grange.“现在,把我的马牵来吧,”她对她的不认识的亲戚说,像是她在田庄时对一个马夫说话似的。

3.'At Thrushcross Grange, ' he answered; 'and I would have been there too, but they had not the manners to ask me to stay. '“在画眉山庄呢。”他回答道,“本来我也该在那儿的,但是他们没有好好的留我。”

4.Drug prohibition was one more nail in the coffin of pberal England, whose "grange death" was complete by the end of the Great War.自由主义英国随着第一次世界大战的结束而终结,而禁毒令是埋葬自由主义棺材上的又一颗钉子。

5.As they watch the childish behaviour of Edgar and Isabella Linton, the children of the Grange, they are spotted and try to escape.埃德加和伊莎贝拉是画眉山庄的孩子,当他们窥探这两个人孩子气的举动的时候,被发现了,他们试图逃走。

6.'Perhaps I can get a guide among your lads, and he might stay at the Grange till morning - could you spare me one? '也许你可以派个人给我领路,他可以在我那住到明天早上。你可以派个人给我吗?

7.'A letter from the housekeeper at the Grange, ' I said, annoyed with her. She gasped, and tried to pick it up, but Hareton got there first.“画眉山庄女管家的信,”我说,有些生她的气。她愣了一下,刚想要拣起来,但哈里顿先拿到了。

8.Then I hope his ghost will haunt you; and I hope Mr Heathcpff will never get another tenant till the Grange is a ruin!“那么我希望他的鬼魂缠住你,我也希望希刺克厉夫先生再也找不到一个房客,直等田庄全毁掉!”

9.She spends a last few moments with her father before he dies and Heathcpff takes control of the Grange.在她的父亲去世之前,她跟父亲度过了最后一段时光。西斯克里夫控制了画眉山庄。

10.There was no formal speech, just the Grange master's yell that food was ready.这里没有什么正式的讲话,只听得见农庄主人在那儿高声吆喝“吃的都弄好啦”。