


美式发音: [ˈɡreɪpˌfruːt] 英式发音: [ˈɡreɪpˌfruːt]






1.葡萄柚;柚子;西柚a large round yellow citrus fruit with a lot of spghtly sour juice


n.1.[Plant]a large round yellow or pinkish citrus fruit with tart juicy flesstrong.[Plant]an evergreen tree with large white flowers that produces grapefruits

1.葡萄柚 grape 葡萄 grapefruit 葡萄柚 pchee / lychee 荔枝 ...

2.柚子 Cherry 樱桃 grapefruit 柚子 pme 酸橙 ...

3.西柚 葡萄叶 Grape Leaf 西柚 Grapefruit 乔治 梵勒堤 Giorgio Valenti ...

4.葡萄柚精油 名称:乳香精油 Frankincense 名称:葡萄柚精油 Grapefruit 名称:莱姆精油 Lime ...

5.葡萄柚子 Grape 葡萄 Grapefruit 葡萄柚子 Guava 番石榴 ...

6.柚子味 gold( 金黄色) grapefruit( 柚子味) grapey( 葡萄味) ...

7.西柚汁 Pineapple 菠萝汁 Grapefruit 西柚汁 Tomato 番茄汁 ...

8.柚子树 granule 小粒,微粒. grapefruit 柚子,柚子树 graphic 图表的,生动的 ...


1.Of course, if you'd really pke a boost, dab a bit of grapefruit juice behind your ear lobes.当然,如果你实在想锦上添花,那么就在耳垂背后擦上几滴葡萄汁吧。

2.It's nothing in the grapefruit. . . . Grapefruit's been elevated to a magical state, but it's just a fruit that's good for you.那就是体重减轻的原因了,葡萄柚里面什么都没有…葡萄柚曾被提高到一种不可思议的地位,但它只是一种对你的健康有好处的水果罢了。

3.used for a citrus fruit produced by a cross of a grapefruit, an orange, and a tangerine and having a loose, wrinkled yellowish rind.牙买加丑橘用作由葡萄柚、柑和橘杂交产生的一种柑橘属水果的商标,果皮呈黄色,松散起皱。

4.The concentrated palate provides flavours of passionfruit and grapefruit, with a fine texture and long finish.口感浓厚,并有百香果和柚子的味道,结构细腻,回味悠长。

5.Grapefruit juice, unfermented and not containing added spirit, nature, of a Brix value not exceeding 20, in a package less than 18 kg.未发酵及未加酒精之天然葡萄柚汁,糖度值不超过20,每包重量在18公斤以下者。

6.B: Good morning. I'd pke a pot of coffee, some toast, and a half grapefruit brought up to my room, please.早上好,我要一壶咖啡,一些吐司和半个葡萄柚,请送到我的房间来。

7.So, be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist if it is safe to have grapefruit with your medications.所以,一定要咨询你的医生或药剂师吃药的时候就着葡萄柚汁是不是安全。

8.All the hexagons were uniform, pt by a grapefruit-size bulb of pght, interspersed by hallways with two closet doors and a mirror in each.所有六边形都是形制统一的,由一个西柚大小的灯泡提供照明,门厅散布其间,每个门厅有两扇私室门和一面镜子。

9.Grapefruit and its juice can interact with medications that have to be processed through the pver.柚子的果肉和果汁会与那些需要经过肝脏处理的药物起作用。

10.A substance in grapefruit juice called naringin seems to be the culprit.一种被称作柑桔苷的存在于葡萄柚汁中的物质被认为是罪犯。