

grape shot

美式发音: ['greɪpʃɒt] 英式发音: ['greɪpʃɒt]





1.(大炮发射的)葡萄弹a number of small iron balls that are fired together from a cannon


n.1.a number of small iron balls fired simultaneously from a cannon in order to kill enemy soldiers




1.A whiz and rattle of grapeshot among the branches high above his head roused him from his dream.葡萄弹在他头顶上的树枝之间飕飕掠过及发出的咯咯声响将他从他的美梦中唤醒。

2.The blue-coated troops marched steadily forward only to be cut down by an unremitting hail of cannon balls and grapeshot.身着蓝色军装的部队稳健地向前行军,只有当一阵炮弹袭来时才会被打断。

3.Colbert's humor is very much pke grapeshot : it goes everywhere and a piece of it is bound to hit everybody that comes across its path.科尔伯特的幽默犹如一颗霰弹:它随处滚动而其中的一颗一定会击中任何一个遇到它的人。

4.He had five lands in play. I reasoned that, if I take out the Rift Bolt, I'm increasing his chances to draw Spell plus Grapeshot .我想,如果我拿走他的时缝之雷,那我就等于增加了他抓咒语尤其是霰弹的机会。

5.If there was grapeshot in the air, it was herbal.如果空中弥漫着葡萄弹的味道,那就是葡萄。

6.Bombs, grapeshot and cannonballs rained upon the defenseless town.炸弹、葡萄弹和炮弹一起向这座不设防的城市倾泻。

7.The soldiers ordered to advance found themselves under grapeshot fire, and ran back.奉命前进的士兵,一遇见霰弹就往回跑;

8.In 1722, Roberts died during a battle with the HMS Swallow after getting hit by grapeshot during a broadside attack.1722年,罗伯茨在与HMS斯沃罗德战斗中,被船舷的散弹击中身亡。

9.twice they noticed the french appearing below close to them , and they sent volleys of grapeshot at them.他们曾两次发现,法国官兵在山下离他们很近的地方出现了,他们于是向法国佬发射霰弹。

10.all with grapeshot ! shouted the officer一个军官喊道。