




1.图像传播学 动画概论 Introduction to Animation 图像传播学 Graphic Communication 网页设计 Website Design ...

2.图文传播 Art 艺术 Graphic Communication 绘画图解传播 Wood Tech 木材技术 ...

4.图像沟通 ... -环境保护及控制( Environment conservation and controls) -图像沟通( Graphic communication) ...

5.平面传播 ... German Studies 德国研究 Graphic Communication 平面传播 History 历史 ...

6.图形通讯 ... GV2. Graphic systems( 图形系统) GV3. Graphic communication图形通讯) GV5. Basic rendering( …


1.The term "write" or "written" shall include printed, pthographed, or any means of graphic communication.“书写”或“书面”应指印制、印刷或任何书写的通讯手段。

2.Strong graphic communication skills in Freehand and Computer technologies.熟练的手工及电脑制图技巧。

3.This article aimed to do a research on graphic communication using in TV art.本文就图形传播在电视艺术中的运用策略做了相关探索。

4.Development and Prospects of Printing and Graphic Communication Industry at Home and Abroad我国及国际印刷工业和图像传播业的发展与展望

5.Knowledge Management On Graphic Communication印刷传播知识管理

6.Graphic Communication and Effective Interaction in Digital Era数字化时代图形传播与有效互动

7.Evolution and Innovation on Knowledge System of Graphic Communication Industry印刷图像传播业知识体系演进与创新发展

8.A Study on Innovation Education and Education Modes in Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication as Based on the Electronic Design Contest从电子设计竞赛谈高校的创新教育及培养模式

9.Beijing Institute Of Graphic Communication北京印刷学院

10.Journal of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication北京印刷学院学报