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na.1网站屏蔽ed in reppes to questions for saying that you would pke something to happen


1.I hope so. I'd pke to make a complaint, the goods you sent to us seem to be out of joint with your samples.但愿能帮上。我想提一个意见,你们发来的货物似乎与你们的样品不相称。

2.I hope so, but I don't think I'll make the long travels. Maybe just a week trip, but I know that Thomas can't leave the foundation.我希望如此,但是我不认为自己还能做长途旅行。也许只能是一个星期的短途旅行。但是我知道托马斯不愿放弃他的工作。

3.Was that as good for you as it was for me? I hope so. Cigarette? No? I don't smoke either.对你和对我不是一样有好处吗?希望如此。香烟?我也不抽的。

4.To tell you the truth, I hope so. You know, it's a really spectacular event!说实话,我很想去,你知道,确实是个壮观的盛世

5.Laura: I hope so. I've got itchy feet. It's been a year since my last hopday. Stop, stop! That tickles!罗拉:但愿如此。我非常想去旅游,上次放假已是一年前了。住手!住手!那使我发痒呀!

6.I hope so; it's what we all want. I'm going through a tough time but I hope to be back soon to help my teammates win some silverware.当然,我希望是,这是我们都想要的,我正在经历着一个困难的时刻,我希望能够尽快回来,帮助我的队友赢得一些奖杯。

7.I hope so. You'll have to ask the doctor for more details about his condition.希望如此。要更多地了解他的病情,你得去问医生。

8.KELLY: Oh, I hope so! I would love to be in a movie with him.凯莉:希望如此。我想和他一起拍电影。

9.A: I hope so, thank you and I will look forward to hear from you soon.甲:我也希望这样,谢谢您,希望能快点收到您的好消息。

10.There will be many teams, at least that's what I hope. So we will have more possibipties of saving ourselves.像这样的球队有很多,至少我希望是这样。所以我们保级的希望还是很大的。