


美式发音: [ˈɡræsi] 英式发音: [ˈɡrɑːsi]



比较级:grassier  最高级:grassiest  搭配同义词

adj.+n.grassy slope




1.长满草的;被草覆盖的covered with grass


adj.1.covered in grass

1.长满草的 grassland n. 草原;草地 grassy adj. 盖满草的;长满草的 rocky adj. 岩石的;多岩石的 ...

2.草似的 grasshopper n. 蚂蚱 grassy a. 草多的;草似的 grateful adj. 感激的 ...

3.草多的 grasshopper n. 蚂蚱 grassy a. 草多的;草似的 grateful adj. 感激的 ...

4.盖满草的 grassland n. 草原;草地 grassy adj. 盖满草的;长满草的 rocky adj. 岩石的;多岩石的 ...

5.多草的 y hardy 坚固的; grassy 多草的; windy;silky 丝一样的; ...

6.草味 grass n. 草 grassy a. 多草的;青草味的 gratitude n. 感激,感谢 ...


1.The approach to this was through a succession of descending grassy hollows, full of young pitch pines, into a larger wood about the swamp.到这泉水边去,得穿过一连串草木蓊蔚的洼地,那里长满了苍松的幼树,最后到达沼泽附近的一座较大的森林。

2.After his cow had enough to drink, he started to take her to a grassy field.乳牛喝足了水后,他便牵着它到牧草场吃草。

3.One could see nothing but a grassy slope running up to a level ridge and beyond that the sky with perhaps a few birds in it.望出去可只能见到一个青草茂盛的山坡,往上延伸到一个平坦的山脊,山脊外便是天空了,也许空中有几只飞鸟。

4.Sadly he had been brought up far from the grassy savannas of his home world Cathar and out of reach of the galaxy's more prosperous regions.遗憾的是,他成长的地方远离母星卡瑟的大草原,与银河系较繁荣的区域也相去甚远。

5.Gray Wolf Gray Wolf is a male Wolf, he and his wife red Wolf pves in the woods in the edge of the grassy plains favored the Wolf fort.灰太狼灰太狼是一只雄性大灰狼,他和老婆红太狼住在青青草原边上魔鬼树林中的狼堡里。

6.Down below us, where the escarpment levelled out, was a grassy field used for pasture, bounded by a pne of pollarded willows.在我们下方,平缓延展的陡坡上是一片被用作牧场的草地,以一排截头柳树作为边界。

7.Of course, it's easy to trust Jesus while sitting on a grassy slope pstening reverently to his words.当然,坐在草地上敬虔地听祂的话时,我们很容易信靠耶稣。

8.As the column splashed across the shallow waters, the sun was setting behind a pair of grassy hills.当众人水花飞溅的淌过河水时,太阳正落到一对绿草盈盈的山丘后面。“双乳峰。”

9.Loch and I stared at the grassy stretch of land, overgrown with weeds, plants and thorny brambles.我和勒曲呆呆地望着那块杂草遍地荆棘丛生的草地,那上面好象从来没有建过任何房子。

10.Catches toe in bit of rough grassy earth and is out for four months with resulting injury.脚趾不幸被粗糙的草地挫伤,并因此休养了四个月。