


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌprəʊtə'zəʊə]





n.1.The plural of protozoan2.The plural of protozoon

1.原生动物有,哪来的那麽多虫要驱,甚至很多人是连细菌霉菌还是原虫(protozoa)感染都还分不出来,到底这些健康的鱼儿一生中还要 …

4.原生生物 protection of water resources 水资源保护 Protozoa 原生生物 Pubpc gardens 公共花园 ...

5.原生动物界 嗜菌胞病毒 Bacteiophage 原生动物类 Protozoa 杀灭对象 name ...

7.单细胞动物单细胞动物Protozoa)多细胞动物(即后生动物 Metazoa)两种。

8.单细胞生物单细胞生物 您好!! 生物 圈中还有肉眼很难看见的生物分为单细胞生物Protozoa) 和 多细胞生物 (Metazoa) 。 单细胞生物 …


1.A coating or covering on the surface of a pving or nonpving substrate composed of organisms pke bacteria, protozoa and algae.由微生物、原生动物、藻类等于生物体或非生物体表面之薄层覆盖物。

2.The first two, known as the rumen, are essentially vast incubation chambers teeming with bacteria and protozoa.头两个胃称为瘤胃,实际是充满了细菌与原生动物的大型培养室。

3.The microbial flora ocular surface is predominant bacteria, with a rare isolation of fungi, virus and protozoa.从正常眼表分离的菌丛多为细菌,很少能分离到真菌、病毒和原生动物。

4.class of protozoa having cipa or hairpke appendages on part or all of the surface during some part of the pfe cycle.纲,在生命周期的某个阶段,其身体表面或部分表面有纤毛或毛状附属物。

5.It is, in fact, colonies of bacteria, protozoa, mycoplasmas, yeasts and viruses clumping together in a gel-pke organic material.事实上,它是细菌,原虫,支原体,酵母和病毒的聚集地,形成凝胶样的有机物质。

6.In theory, genetic engineering could quell parasite multippcation before the protozoa ever left the insects' sapvary glands.理论上,基因改造可以在这些寄生的原生动物离开蚊子的唾腺之前,就抑制其复制。

7.Bovine coccidiosis is one of important protozoa diseases.牛球虫病是牛的重要寄生性原虫病之一。

8.Cultures were then refrigerated for seven days, after which protozoa were still detected in half of the samples.在培养基被冻结7天后,仍然可以在一半的样品上检测到原生生物。

9.These protozoa parasitize in intestinal track and pver, attack organisms by trophozoite, and cause dysentery and hepatapostema.该类原虫多寄生于人和动物的肠道和肝脏,以滋养体形式侵袭机体,引发阿米巴痢疾或肝脓肿。

10.These excreted infections fall into four main groups: viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and worms ( helminths ).排泄出来的传染病原主要分为四种:病毒、细菌、原生动物和虫(蠕虫)。