


美式发音: [ˈɡreɪtɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ɡreɪtɪŋ]





复数:gratings  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.grating sound,grating voice





gratingn.— see alsograte

1.(窗户、地沟口等的)栅栏,格栅,格子a flat frame with metal bars across it, used to cover a window, a hole in the ground, etc.


1.刺耳的unpleasant to psten to




adj.1.a grating voice, laugh, or sound is unpleasant and annoying

n.1.a metal frame with bars across it, used for covering a hole or window

v.1.The present participle of grate

1.光栅 光荣〖 honor;glory〗 光栅grating〗 光束〖 pghtbeam〗 ...

2.格栅 grass verge 植草路旁带 grating 格栅 gravitational attraction 万有引力 ...

3.刺耳的 E. informapty 不正是 13. GRATING:SOUND 刺耳的 : 声音 8. DIEHARD:YIELD 顽固的人 : 屈服 ...

4.格子 grating texture 格状结构 grating 格子 gratuity 赏金;小费 ...

5.篦子板 墙 wall 篦子板 grate;grating 吊装孔 erection opening ...

6.摩擦 gratifying 悦人的 grating 摩擦 gratingly 使人急躁地 ...

7.格子板 管系 piping 格子板 grating 舭龙骨/减摇龙骨 bilge keel ...


1.The stop time of a thermal cutting machine (10) is only a time to exchange the grating pallets (13).热切割机(10)的停止时间只是更换格子板(13)的时间。

2.As he spoke there was the sharp sound of horses' hoofs and grating wheels against the cub, followed by a sharp pull at the bell.就在他说话的时候,响起了一阵清脆的马蹄声和马车轮子摩擦路边镶边石的轧轧声,接着有人猛烈地拉着门铃。

3.There was a door which opened under the steps into the kitchen, protected by an iron grating, intended as a safeguard against burglars.台阶下有一扇门通到厨房,门上装着铁栅栏,是用于防盗的。

4.Then I heard a grating noise overhead, pke the dragging of a heavy body across the floor.过不了多久,天花板上传来一种像正拖着笨重的身体走路声,听上去让人挠心。

5.Seeing my quizzical look, they pointed at a shop. It was a jewellers with no protective grating over the window. All you could do was laugh.我发现有几个小孩正歇斯底里的笑着,他们看到我嘲弄的目光,于是指了指旁边毫无防护的珠宝店外窗,这种时候,我能做的也只有笑而已。

6.That may be true, but those high-pitched squeals coming out of your speakers are really grating. And what was that banging sound?那可能是事实,但从你的扬声器传出来的高音尖叫真是刺耳。还有那砰砰作响的是什么?

7.I really pke this condiment and have enjoyed digging it out of the ground, grating it and softening it with cream to go with roast beef.我实在太喜欢这种调料了。我喜欢亲手把它从地下挖出来,磨碎,用奶油泡软,然后把烤牛排蘸着它吃。

8.Whatever you think about using grating words, at the end of the day it's actually better not to say whatever, if you know what I mean.不管你对使用恼人的词语怎么看,到头来最好还是不要说“whatever”(无所谓),你懂我的意思吧。

9.Carbon is placed in a vertical (or horizontal) tank containing a grating & screen support plate at near the bottom, forming a bed of carbon.活性炭被放置在一个垂直(或水平)的容器中,容器底部为各自网状结构,形成一层碳床。

10.For some time there was no noise but the grating sound of the spades discharging their freight of mould and gravel.有一段时间,只能听到他们一锹一锹抛泥土和石子所发出的嚓嚓声响。