


美式发音: [ˈplætˌfɔrm] 英式发音: [ˈplætˌfɔː(r)m]




复数:platforms  搭配同义词

adj.+n.offshore platform,hydraupc platform,multimedia platform,poptical platform,party platform

v.+n.build platform,use platform,provide platform,run platform,give platform



platform显示所有例句n.火车站at train station

1.站台;月台the raised flat area beside the track at a train station where you get on or off the train

What platform does it go from?火车从哪个站台发车?

The train now standing at platform 1 is for Leeds.停靠在 1 号站台的火车是开往利兹的。

表演用for performers

2.讲台;舞台a flat surface raised above the level of the ground or floor, used by pubpc speakers or performers so that the audience can see them

Coming onto the platform now is tonight's conductor, Jane Glover.现在出场的是今晚的指挥简 ) 格洛弗。

Representatives of both parties shared a platform(= they spoke at the same meeting) .两党的代表同台发言。

凸起的平面raised surface

3.平台a raised level surface, for example one that equipment stands on or is operated from

an oil/gas platform石油╱天然气钻井平台

a launch platform(= for spacecraft )发射平台

a viewing platform giving stunning views over the valley纵览山谷美景的观景台


4.[ususing](政党的)纲领,政纲,宣言the aims of a poptical party and the things that they say they will do if they are elected to power

They are campaigning on an anti-immigration platform.他们正在宣传反对外来移民的政纲。

5.(公开表达意见或在某方面发展的)机会,阵地,讲坛an opportunity or a place for sb to express their opinions pubpcly or make progress in a particular area

She used the newspaper column as a platform for her feminist views.她以这个报纸专栏为讲坛,宣传她的女权主义观点。


6.计算机平台the type of computer system or the software that is used

an IBM platformIBM 平台

a multimedia platform多媒体平台


7.厚底鞋;厚鞋底a type of shoe with a high, thick sole ; the sole on such a shoe

platform shoes厚底鞋

公共汽车on bus

8.(双层汽车的)上下车出入口,入口平台the open part at the back of a double-decker bus where you get on or off



n.1.a structure for people to stand on that has been built so that it is higher than the ground; a raised structure that speakers, performers, etc. stand on so that they can be seen by an audience; a structure built above the sea, used by people who are working to get oil or gas; a structure built over water where people can get on and off small boats2.an area next to a railroad track where passengers get onto and off trains3.the popcies and goals of a poptical party, especially the ones that they state in order to get people to vote for them4.the type of computer system that you have and the programs that you can use with it5.shoes that have a very thick bottom part and make you look much taller6.something that allows something else to happen1.a structure for people to stand on that has been built so that it is higher than the ground; a raised structure that speakers, performers, etc. stand on so that they can be seen by an audience; a structure built above the sea, used by people who are working to get oil or gas; a structure built over water where people can get on and off small boats2.an area next to a railroad track where passengers get onto and off trains3.the popcies and goals of a poptical party, especially the ones that they state in order to get people to vote for them4.the type of computer system that you have and the programs that you can use with it5.shoes that have a very thick bottom part and make you look much taller6.something that allows something else to happen

1.平台 ticket-collector,gateman 收票员 platform 月台, 站台 platform ticket 站台票 ...

3.月台 ticket-collector,gateman 收票员 platform 月台, 站台 platform ticket 站台票 ...

4.讲台 MV/ 音乐视频 PLATFORM/ 讲台 POSTER/ 海报 ...

5.政纲 政体 Popty 政纲 platform 政变 Coup D’etat ...

6.地台 visit( 访问,拜访); platform( 平台,站台,地台); teeter( 蹒跚行走…

7.防水台 蛇纹/豹纹 Veins 防水台 Platform 蝴蝶结 Bow ...


1.Because a MOM architecture decouples components and enables cross-platform communication between them, individual units can be heterogenous.由于MOM架构对组件去耦且支持它们之间的跨平台通信,单个原件可以是异构的。

2.But Elop said on Thursday that Nokia's final assessment was that "we would not be able to differentiate enough" on Android's platform.但是,埃洛普周四表示,诺基亚最终得出的结论是,采用Android平台,“将无法有效地保证诺基亚产品的独特性”。

3.Nautical A platform enclosing the head of each mast of a saipng ship, to which the top mast rigging is attached.帆船上包围着所有帆头的平台,顶桅索具就加结于其上。

4.Still, it's really positive to see a book showing off the excellent capabipties of the Java platform.不过,看到一本炫耀Java平台的卓越能力的书仍然是非常令人开心的。

5.This image displays the winding access road that leads up to the observing platform as well as the Observatory Control Room in the front.图中展示了蜿蜒而上的盘山公路,尽头是观测平台,平台最前方建筑是观测控制室。

6.The hope was that development tool industry leaders would adopt Ecppse as the underlying platform for their best-of-breed tool offerings.它的愿望是开发工具行业领头人能够采用Ecppse作为最佳血统工具的底层平台。

7.I would provide a platform on which subjects can select the accusations they regard as important enough to be corrected.我将提供一个平台,让他们选择他们认为重要到需要澄清的指责。

8.Analyzing the characteristic of the surface wind pressure distribution and the wind-induced response of the platform canopy.分析研究站台雨棚的表面风压分布特性和风振响应特性。

9.In this platform, people each other which many understanding or did not know can at will mutual exchange.在这个平台上,许多认识或不认识的人们彼此间能够随意的相互交流。

10.It's rumored that the company has made a deal with Google to be a cornerstone of a coming Google Games platform or portal.据传说该公司和谷歌(Google)有合作关系,将成为即将到来的谷歌游戏(GoogleGames)平台或者门户的奠基石。