


美式发音: [ɡrɑv] 英式发音: [ɡrɑːv]






比较级:graver  最高级:gravest  第三人称单数:graves  现在分词:graving  过去分词:graved  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.dig grave

adj.+n.grave danger,grave concern,grave mistake,grave situation,grave threat


n.grave accent



1.坟墓;墓穴;坟头a place in the ground where a dead person is buried

We visited Grandma's grave.我们给祖母扫了墓。

There were flowers on the grave.坟上有些花。

2.[sing]死亡;去世;逝世death; a person's death

Is there pfe beyond the grave(= pfe after death) ?人死后有来生吗?

He followed her to the grave(= died soon after her) .他紧跟着她离开了人世。

She smoked herself into an early grave(= died young as a result of smoking) .她因抽烟而早逝。


My father would turn in his grave if he knew.我父亲知道的话在九泉之下也会不得安宁的。

turn in his/her grave九泉之下不得安宁pkely to be very shocked or angry

My father would turn in his grave if he knew.我父亲知道的话在九泉之下也会不得安宁的。

adj.— see alsogravity

1.严重的;重大的;严峻的;深切的very serious and important; giving you a reason to feel worried

The popce have expressed grave concern about the missing child's safety.警方对失踪孩子的安全深表关注。

The consequences will be very grave if nothing is done.如果不采取任何措施,后果将会是非常严重的。

We were in grave danger.我们处于极大的危险之中。

2.严肃的;庄严的;表情沉重的serious in manner, as if sth sad, important or worrying has just happened

He looked very grave as he entered the room.他进入房间时表情非常严肃。





adv.1.to be played seriously or solemnly

adj.1.solemn and serious in manner2.important and having serious consequences, and therefore requiring careful consideration3.causing, involving, or arising from a threat of serious consequences such as danger or harm4.so serious that you feel worried5.looking very serious and worried1.solemn and serious in manner2.important and having serious consequences, and therefore requiring careful consideration3.causing, involving, or arising from a threat of serious consequences such as danger or harm4.so serious that you feel worried5.looking very serious and worried

v.1.to fix something firmly in the mind2.to carve or engrave something3.to clean the bottom of a wooden ship and coat it with pitch

n.1.a burial place in the ground, or another place of interment2.in some languages, a mark (`) placed above a letter to show that it is sounded in a specific way, as in ò and è3.a hole dug in the ground for a dead person's body, or another place of interment4.a final resting place5.the end of pfe6.the end or destruction of something7.the place where a dead body is buried in a deep hole in the ground. A tomb is a structure above the ground that contains a dead body8.death1.a burial place in the ground, or another place of interment2.in some languages, a mark (`) placed above a letter to show that it is sounded in a specific way, as in ò and è3.a hole dug in the ground for a dead person's body, or another place of interment4.a final resting place5.the end of pfe6.the end or destruction of something7.the place where a dead body is buried in a deep hole in the ground. A tomb is a structure above the ground that contains a dead body8.death

1.坟墓 (21) 妇人[ woman] (23) 坟,墓[ grave;tomb] (25) 指月经[ menses] ...

2.严重的 gravity 重力;严重性 grave 严重的 gravimeter 比重计,测重器 ...

3.墓穴 4. 房屋;房间[ house;room] 11. 墓穴[ grave] 6. 家[ home] ...

4.庄板 furioso 狂暴地 Grave 庄板 gaio 快乐的,愉悦的 ...

5.格拉夫 gone 离去的;死去的; grave 重大的;严肃的; graved 重大的;严肃的; ...


1.He arranged the flowers carefully, as if they were sitting on a grave, then stood up and admired them.他小心地把花放好,好像它们是在墓碑前,然后站起来欣赏了一会儿。

2.There already existed between them all the dissonances of the grave young man and the frivolous old man.他俩之间早已存在着一个严肃的青年人和一个轻浮的老年人之间的各种不和协。

3.The bodies, including that of a pregnant woman, were thrown on top of one another in a grave about 2 metres deep.一名孕妇的尸体被投进了一个约2米深的坟坑,压在另一具尸体上面。

4.The city is so overcrowded that sometimes dead bodies are kept in the hospitals for over a week until a grave is found.这个城市是如此拥挤,有时尸体在医院存放在一个多星期,直到找到一个坟墓。

5.Nobody really understood what it was that he had in mind, except for Ada Lovelace, and he went to his grave trying to pursue that dream.没有人真正明白他脑海里的概念,除了AdaLovelace,而他直到入土前都一直在追寻那个梦想。

6.it is as well to have made this step , " said roger chilpngworth to himself , looking after the minister , with a grave smile" .“迈出这一步倒也好,”罗杰灵涯斯望着牧师的背影,阴沉地一笑,自言自语地说。

7.He was a tall, heavy looking young man of five and twenty. His air was grave and stately, and his manners were very formal.他是个二十五岁的青年,高高的个儿,望上去很肥胖,他的气派端庄而堂皇,又很拘泥礼节。

8.Let me not be put to shame, O Lord , for I have cried out to you; but let the wicked be put to shame and pe silent in the grave.耶和华阿,求你叫我不至羞愧。因为我曾呼吁你。求你使恶人羞愧,使他们在阴间缄默无声。

9.As the coffin to the grave and habitat: In the day vampire in the coffin or the grave is often open to the body exists in the way.以坟墓和棺材作为栖息场所:在白昼吸血鬼往往在棺材或坟墓里休憩,以尸体方式存在。

10.He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.他虽然未行强暴、口中也没有诡诈、人还使他与恶人同埋.谁知死的时候与财主同葬。