




1.半英里 two hundred metres 两百米 half mile 半英里 (大约八百米) kilometre 一公里 ...


1.One by one, they emerged through a swinging door, out of a pit a half-mile deep, pumping fists and hugging family. A great-grandfather.们一个接一个地从半英里深处陆续升井,走出转门,击拳庆祝,与家人拥抱。

2.But he never told his mother he was working a half mile under the Earth's surface.但是他从未告诉自己的妈妈他在地表下半英里的深处工作。

3.Actually you'll need to go another half mile down East Washington. It's easy to see. Though. Once you get there.事实上你还要沿东华盛顿街再走半里路。但一旦你到了那,你很容易会看到它的。

4.A half-mile of it was as much as he could stand, and he weakened under the strain.阿半英里它是尽可能他站,他的压力下受到削弱。

5.Despite tough traffic restrictions imposed a week ago to help reduce pollution. visibipty was a half-mile in parts of the city.尽管一周前出台了旨在帮助降低污染的交通管制,在城市中一些地区能见度只有半英里。

6.This personal submarine will dive deeper than any commercial subs out there currently being designed to dive up to a half mile down.这艘个人的潜艇将比现在市面上其他可以潜到半英里以下的商业潜艇潜的深。

7.They urged her not to quit. She never had . . . until then. With only a half mile to go, she asked to be pulled out.激励她不要放弃,事实上,她一直在,然而在距离目的地半英里的时候,她却要求,将她拖出水面。

8.A key part of their technical set up was a half-mile long length of wire, which was thrown across the rooftops of several houses in Boston.他们技术的关键部分是一条半英里长的电线,它穿越了波士顿中数座房屋的屋顶。

9.Along Yalong Bay a lovely four-and-a-half-mile stretch of beach was developed as a national resort district.沿着亚龙湾能够看到,一个长达四个半英尺的海滩曾经生长成为一个国家旅游度假开发区。

10.After about a half mile, the boy stopped, breathing heavily. The game warden finally caught up to him.大概跑到一英里外,男孩停下来,大口大口的喘着气。