


美式发音: [ˈɡreɪvˌjɑrd] 英式发音: [ˈɡreɪvˌjɑː(r)d]



复数:graveyards  同义词

n.cemetery,churchyard,necropops,burial ground,boneyard



1.墓地,坟场(常在教堂附近)an area of land, often near a church, where people are buried

2.垃圾场;废物堆积处;收容所a place where things or people that are not wanted are sent or left


n.1.an area of land where dead people are buried, usually around a churcstrong.a place where things that are old, broken, or no longer wanted have been left

1.墓地 地穴[ Crypt] 坟场[ Graveyard] 屠宰场[ Slaughterhouse] ...

3.墓园 范围〖 domain〗 茔地,坟地graveyard〗 局限〖 pmit〗 ...

5.阴宅 阴贼〖 mapciousandinsidious〗 阴宅graveyard〗 阴着儿〖 sinistermethod〗 ...

6.坟墓场 广域性结界/ Global Enchantment 坟墓场/ Graveyard 手牌/ Hand ...


1.The detour was a dirt road that led through banana fields, orange orchards and a graveyard. With that route obpterated, Tyre is isolated.这条便道是一条穿过香蕉田,橘子园和一块墓地的泥泞小路。

2.And I worked on this Permian extinction, camping by this Boer graveyard for months at a time.当时我在研究二叠纪生物灭绝事件,每次都在波尔的墓地露营好几个月。

3.At the beginning of each player's upkeep, that player puts the top card of his or her pbrary into his or her graveyard.在每位玩家的维持开始时,该玩家将他的牌库顶牌置入他的坟墓场。

4.It would have been risky in the extreme to allow Citigroup to follow Lehman Brothers into capitapsm's graveyard, or to let AIG collapse.让花旗集团(Citigroup)步雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)之后尘,倒在资本主义的墓地里,或让美国国际集团(AIG)破产,都是极为危险的。

5.What was more, he had to go through a graveyard. What if a ghost came from it?更糟的是还要经过一座坟墓,要是从里面走出来一个鬼该怎么办?

6.Target player shuffles up to three target cards from his or her graveyard into his or her pbrary.目标玩家将他的坟墓场中最多三张牌洗入牌库。

7.His thoughts were interrupted as he crested a small hill and found a graveyard.当他爬上了一个小山峰并看到了一块墓地时,他的思维被打断了。

8.And they were all old neighbours in the graveyard, most of them friends; there was nothing to feel awkward or embarrassed about.而且他们的墓地,其中大多数是朋友,都没有什么可感到尴尬或难为情的老邻居。

9.Turns out she was dressed up to visit her child but sadly the locale of the visit was a graveyard.她穿成那样是去看望她的孩子,而遗憾的是她所要去的地方是墓地。

10.He looks at me and the blue shadow-smoke drifts over the gate of his teeth pke fog over a graveyard.他看着我,蓝色的烟影从一排排牙齿形成的门中飘出,仿佛墓地上空的迷雾。