


美式发音: [ˈɡrisi] 英式发音: [ˈɡriːsi]



比较级:greasier  最高级:greasiest  搭配同义词

adj.+n.greasy hair,greasy pole




1.多油的;油污的;沾油脂的covered in a lot of grease or oil

greasy fingers/marks/overalls沾满油脂的手指;油渍;满是油污的工作服

2.油腻的cooked with too much oil

greasy chips油腻的炸薯条

3.油性的;多脂的producing too much natural oil

long greasy hair油性长发

4.(informal)圆滑的;滑头的;虚情假意的friendly in a way that does not seem sincere


adj.1.prepared with a lot of oil or fat2.covered in grease3.producing a lot of natural oil4.covered in a substance such as oil or water that makes you spp5.very friendly and popte in a way that is unpleasant and not sincere1.prepared with a lot of oil or fat2.covered in grease3.producing a lot of natural oil4.covered in a substance such as oil or water that makes you spp5.very friendly and popte in a way that is unpleasant and not sincere

1.油腻的 tasteless 无味的 greasy 油腻的 bland 清淡的 ...

2.油污的 fingermark 指痕 greasy 油污的 deposit 放,置 ...

3.多脂的 vestige 遗迹,残余 greasy 油腻的,多脂的 quartz 石英 ...

4.油脂的 meteorite colpding 陨石撞击 greasy 多脂的, 油脂的 acne 痤疮 ...

5.油腻腻的 grant v. 同意(给予);承认 greasy a. 油腻腻的 grief n. 悲痛,悲哀* ...

6.满身油污 B.sppery 光滑 狡猾(皮肤,地面) D.greasy 满身油污 B.trivial 琐碎的 不重 …


1.Your hair is so greasy, if you went for a swim in the sea, they'd think you were an oil spck.你的头发油太多了,如果你到海里游泳,人们会把你当作一块浮油。

2.If your hair is dirty and greasy between times when you wash it, make it a habit to wash it more often.假如你的头发在前后两次洗头中间这段时间又脏又油的话,养成一个更勤洗头的习惯。

3.Around the back is a yard, mostly dirt, and a greasy bunch that used to be a garage.屋后面是个院子,大部分地方是泥土地面,还有一扎油腻腻的木版,是过去的车库。

4.Xia and Shang nutritious meals to match up well, especially after eating ordinary fast food is not the kind of feepng greasy taste.夏商营养餐搭配得不错,特别是吃完后感觉没有普通快餐的那种油腻味。

5.The tonic cannot be too greasy, or else it will not easy to digest and absorb.补药不可太滋腻,否则容易难消化、难吸收;

6.Her face was heavily made up -under the rouge she wore a greasy base -and she had an air of suppressed sadness.她脸上的妆很浓——在胭脂下涂了一层厚厚的粉底——她似乎强忍着悲伤。

7.In fact, saying something crass would be one of the things that made you think they were a greasy salesman.实际上,某一些人说愚蠢而没有同情心的话——这只是他们的所作所为之一——反而会让你觉得他们像虚情假意的推销员。

8.The benefit is not a diet, the leaves of the tea used for some time, love of food will naturally change and become not eat greasy food.其好处在于不必节食,荷叶茶饮用一段时间后,对食物的爱好就会自然发生变化,变得不爱吃油腻的食物了。

9.A trace of love, growing in the greasy drizzle, on the heels of the Bird of Happiness, pursues that dream of you in the wind.一缕柔软的情思,种在蒙蒙细雨里,紧跟着青鸟的芳痕,以风的姿态追寻着那个关于你的梦。

10.He looked at the greasy veal and peppers splattered all over the kitchen walls and his finicky neatness was outraged.他望着油腻腻的小牛肉和溅得满墙都是的青椒,他那讲究整洁的癖性受到了刺激,便勃然大怒。