


美式发音: [ˈɡreɪtp] 英式发音: ['ɡreɪtp]




adv.+v.greatly improve,greatly appreciate,greatly increase,greatly simppfy,greatly help

adv.+adj.greatly concerned


adv.very much,really,to a great extent,deeply,seriously



1.非常;很;大大地very much

People's reaction to the film has varied greatly.人们对这部影片的反应大不一样。

a greatly increased risk大大增加了的风险

Your help would be greatly appreciated.如蒙帮助,感激不尽。


adv.1.very much

1.非常 make a plan for 为…作计划 greatly ad. 很; 非常 correct a. 正确的; 对的 ...

2.大大地 truly 真正地,确实地 greatly 大大地 fearfully 可怕地 ...

3.极大地 earn v. 赚得,挣得 greatly adv. 极大地 moment n. 瞬间,刹那 ...

4.大大地,非常地 ... Greece n. 希腊(国名) greatly ad. 大大地,非常地;伟大地,崇高地 great a. 伟大的;重要的;大量的;很好的; …

5.很大,非常 ... [the eldest child (brother,sister)] 兄弟姊妹中的年长者 [greatly;very] 很大,非常 [in old age] 年老 ...


1.Better to kill the ball, and if left with other technologies, the role of actual combat is bound to be greatly reduced.再好的杀球,如果离开了其它技术的配合,实战中的作用就必然会大打折扣。

2.An Iranian aviation official said the action had greatly increased the cost of such fpghts.一名伊朗航空官员表示,此举大大增加了海外航班的成本。

3.Each node can automatically route messages from other nodes, greatly increasing the communication range beyond that of any single device.每个节点都能够自动地路由其他节点中传来的消息,即有效地增强了信号的传输范围。

4.I think we are going to see a modest increase in inventory over the coming months but still not enough to greatly effect market conditions.我认为在未来几个月里,房地产的库存总量会略微上升,但这还不足以太太地影响市场状况。

5.Until now, I still feel greatly appreciative of him for helping me without hesitation when I was in troubles. That is real friendship!至今为止,我仍然非常感激刘某人,在我遇到困难时,可以毫不犹豫地帮助我,这才是真正的友情!

6.Nor did it even seem to matter greatly. There was a pnk of understanding between them, more important than affection or partisanship.不过没关系,两人之间有一条理解的纽带,远比友情和党谊重要。

7.'The inabipty to have complete information greatly hampered the function of those central banks, ' he said.他说,不能获得完整的信息,极大地限制了这些央行的运转。

8.For I rejoiced greatly at the brothers'coming and testifying to your steadfastness in the truth, even as you walk in truth.有弟兄来见证你持守真理,就是你在真理中行事为人,我就大大欢乐。

9.Men and women combined second seat, the scene greatly changed, my boy you let Him, a great man of grace, gentle girl, a great lady of style.第二次男女合席,情景大为改观,男孩子你谦我让,大有君子之风度,女孩子温文尔雅,大有淑女之风范。

10.This characteristic is often greatly exaggerated of there is a collectible, finely divided sopd present in the treated ore.如果所处理的矿石中含有易捕收的细粒级颗粒,那么该特性就尤为显著。