




1.青山 green ── 绿,青 green hills 青山 brown sugar 红糖 ...

2.绿山 Promenade 散步 Green Hills 绿山 In An Old Castle 古城 ...

3.绿色山丘 Trinity Village 翠园 Green Hills 云间绿大地 Xi Jiao Hua Cheng 西郊华城 ...

5.山之青 第四场 石之美 Amazing Stones 第一场 山之青 Green Hills 第二场 水之秀 Beautiful waters ...

6.绿丘 ... 树分枝图片 Tree - branches 绿色群山图片 Green hills 加利福尼亚器皿图片 Capfornia plates ...

8.山青 steep 陡峭的 green hills 山青 clear water 水秀 ...


1.Give him quiet time to think over the mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hills.给他时间,去安静地思索自然界中永恒的神秘:空中的小鸟,阳光下的蜜蜂,青山上的花朵。

2.Some days, when he stalked game through the rocks of the Waste or the last green hills, he thought about leaving, about going to find her.有时候,当他穿过荒野地的岩石,到达最远处的绿色山岗,悄悄跟踪猎物的时候,他忽然想到了离开。想到去寻找她。

3.The Stanislau was pke Heaven on Earth. It had bright green hills and deep forests where soft winds touched the trees.它像是座人间天堂,有绿油油的山丘,有茂密的森林,微风柔和地向它吹过。

4.Day has gone but I'm still here with you my sweet rose my green hills beloved sea , lakes and sky beloved mother earth .光阴如水,我仍在此守护我心爱的玫瑰花,我的绿野我挚爱的海洋,湖泊与天空我挚爱的故土。

5.Its green hills and exquisite building were laid out with picturesque appeal, and decorated with thriving trees and beautiful flowers.青山叠翠,建筑精美,树木花卉郁郁葱葱,一片风景如画。

6.Back in Wyoming, we saw endless stretches of green hills and grass with mountains rising in the distance. That was all I'd ever known.在怀俄明,我们看到的是无尽的绿色山头向前延伸,山峰在远处耸立,这就是我先前所知道的一切。

7.Their new home was on stilts, leaning out of the green hills right over the lake.新房子依着碧绿的山坡,向湖心斜倚着,踩着高跷站在水里。

8.It had bright green hills and deep forests where soft winds touched the trees.它有着亮绿色的山,深深的森林,轻柔的风儿吹拂着树木。

9.Green hills pe in the back of the building and before us is the great blue sea, where we go swimming after classes.建筑物的后面有一个清翠的小山,前面有蓝色的大海,课后我们常常去游泳。

10.Nestled deep in the green hills of West Virginia , a dish- shaped telescope keeps an unceasing vigil on the sky .在西弗吉尼亚州绿丘起伏的深处,一个盘状的射电望远镜一直毫不间断地监视着天空。