


网络释义:国际慈济人医会;Taiwan International Medical Alpance;慈济国际人医会



3.慈济国际人医会) 11月17日 青春印记--慈 …


1.Toilets and water in Canaan, notes Tima, are a steep cpmb down to the bottom of the hill.在迦南要用厕所和水,Tima说到,得沿着陡峭的山下到山脚下。

2.Tzu Chi volunteers and TIMA doctors have been caring for the pair, hoping their assistance can help alleviate the sisters' suffering.慈济志工得知后,立即和人医会医师前往关怀,希望他们的关怀,可以减轻阿嬷的痛苦。

3.Utipzing his medical expertise, Huang Qing Jyun joined local TIMA, following in the footsteps of his fellow Tzu Chi brothers and sisters.发挥医生的良能,黄清俊加入了人医会,跟随慈济师兄姊的脚步。

4.Tima's mother gave him the poles and the sacks he bought with money from helping other famipes' erect tents.柱子是Tima的妈妈给的,他又帮别人搭帐篷得买了玉米袋。

5.Buddhist or Chirstian, TIMA doctors around the world devote themselves to selfless medical service for the needy and poor.不管佛教徒或是基督徒,全球人医会医师都为需要和穷困的民众无私的奉献。

6."It's good exercise, " jokes Tima, not breaking stride, his exhausted son asleep in his arms.“这是很好的锻炼”Tima开着玩笑,脚步不停,疲惫的儿子在他怀里睡着了。

7.TIMA gives free medical treatment to detainees at the Luodong Apen Internment Center in Taiwan.人医会前往台湾罗东收容所,为外籍违法居留者举办义诊。

8.A nurse gives Tima a poster with pictures showing how to avoid the disease: use a clean toilet, wash hands with soap, boil water and food.一个护士在给Tima展示如何预防疾病的海报:使用干净的厕所,用肥皂洗手,水要烧开,食物要煮熟。

9.In Taiwan, 92 volunteers and TIMA doctors from Taoyuan went to a disabled care center in Daxi for a free dental and family cpnic.在台湾,桃园慈济志工和人医会医师一共92人、来到大溪的一间爱心家园,进行牙科和家医科的义诊;

10.Tima plops young Emmanuel on the hardened mud and rereads the cholera-prevention poster.Tima将小Emmanuel撂下硬泥上然后重读霍乱预防海报。