




1.绿色饭店旅游饭店》标准(LB/T007-2006)3.1 绿色旅游饭店Green Hotel) 以可持续发展为理念,坚持清洁生产(见3.2)、倡导绿 …

4.格林酒店 亚洲饭店( Asia Hotel) 格林酒店( Green Hotel) 公园景观酒店( Park View Hotel) ...

5.翠绿酒店 ... G -城市酒店( Hotel G-City) 翠绿酒店( Green Hotel) 巴眼拿督旅店( Homestay Bagan Datoh) ...

6.环保旅馆8. 环保旅馆Green hotel):意指提供临时寄宿、 住宿的地方,其经营管理者热心的致力於节约水 资源及其他能源,并减少固 …

7.绿色旅游酒店绿色旅游酒店Green Hotel)以可持续发展为理念,坚持清洁生产、倡导绿色消费,保护生态环境和合理使用资源的酒店。其 …


1.The non-smoking room is one of the services provided by the green hotel. Why not give it arty ?无烟客房是绿色酒店所提供的服务项目之一,为什么不尝试一下了?

2.Environmental pressures at home and abroad, China should estabpsh green hotel marketing consciousness.在国内外环保压力下,我国饭店应树立绿色营销意识。

3.District Travel Bureau has given considerable praise to Marriott Shanghai Cluster which such attention and careful for creating Green Hotel.区旅游局给了相当大的赞美万豪酒店上海群集注意的这种细致创建绿色饭店。下星期我们将向高主管部门报告。

4.Low-carbon economy calls for a green hotel, and the green hotel needs intelpgent building.低碳经济呼唤绿色酒店,绿色酒店需要智能建筑。

5.What should be held any special environmental protection facipties in Green hotel?希望环保酒店内有甚麽特别的设施?

6.Almost all of the hotel manager recognized green hotel standards and the requirements of ISO14000 is consistent.几乎所有的饭店老总都承认绿色饭店的标准和ISO14000的要求是相一致的。

7.The hotel has formally become a green hotel at Gold-leaf level.饭店已经正式成为金叶级绿色饭店。

8.Thank you for the support of the Green Hotel!感谢您对饭店绿色行动的支持!

9.Elpe: Green hotel? It has heaters right? Or you will freeze to death.环保饭店?该不会没暖气吧,那你一定会冷死。

10.Bottleneck problem of green hotel theory not appped well in domestic tourism cities has been founded after the analysis.通过这些分析找出了绿色饭店理论在我国旅游城市饭店业中没有得到很好实施的瓶颈问题。