




1.坚决反对闻发布会上,中国外交部发言人马朝旭重申,中国政府“坚决反对”(resolutely opposed)朝鲜的核试验,但他拒绝具体透露未 …


1.A: China's position on Tibet-related issues is unequivocal. We are always resolutely opposed to any foreign officials meeting with Dalai.答:中方在涉藏问题上的立场是十分明确的,我们一贯坚决反对任何外国官员会见达赖。

2.Jiang said China is "resolutely" opposed to so-called cyber crimes and has cracked down on such crimes, including hacking.姜瑜说,中国坚决反对所谓的网路犯罪,并一直取缔包括骇客侵入在内的这类犯罪行为。

3.The perverse acts of Taiwan separatist forces are resolutely opposed by compatriots across the Straits and all Chinese people.台湾分裂势力的倒行逆施,正在受到两岸同胞和全体中华儿女的坚决反对。

4.Mr Chabot's record is easier to glean; he resolutely opposed bail-outs when he was a congressman in the autumn of 2008.Chabot先生的记录就更一目了然了,2008年秋天,当他还是众议员时曾坚定地反对紧急援助。

5.Beijing was "resolutely opposed" to the test, described as a "self-defence" measure in Pyongyang.对于被平壤方面称作“自卫”措施的核试验,中国政府表示“坚决反对”。

6.A senior German government source said Berpn remained resolutely opposed to the ECB backstopping the rescue fund.德国一位高级政府消息人士透露,柏林仍将坚决反对欧洲央行增援EFSF。

7.China is resolutely opposed to the US signing of this wrong bill regardless of China's position.我们对美方不顾中方立场,签署这一错误议案表示坚决反对。

8.The experience deeply affected Kim, who remained resolutely opposed to the death sentence throughout his time in office.这一经历深深地影响了金大中,在他担任总统期间,他一直坚决反对死刑。

9.And until two days ago, Mr. Paulson remained resolutely opposed to doing the right thing.直到两天以前,保尔森仍然坚决反对采取正确的行动。