






1."Fish are the last wild food, " says Paul Greenberg, author of Four Fish, one of the best books on the state of seafood.“鱼是最后的野生食物,说:”保罗格林伯格,四鱼,在海鲜状态最好的书作者之一。

2.Mr. Greenberg said the amount of exposure AIG faced under the contracts when he left was beside the point.格林伯格说,他离职时AIG面临的合同风险敞口规模有多大不是问题所在。

3.Sadly Dr Greenberg's co-founder died in 2009, just a year short of reapsing his goal of creating a commercial retinal implant.遗憾的是格林伯格博士的合作伙伴于2009年去世,离实现他创造出商业化的仿生眼的目标仅仅只有一年时间。

4."I said, 'Dad, it is 10 p. m. , and I've got so much stuff to do, ' " Mr. Greenberg recalls.“当时是早上10点,我说:‘爸,我的事情太多了。’”Greenberg回忆说。

5.In a statement, Mr Greenberg said he "appreciates the SEC's recognition that he personally should not be charged with any fraud" .格林伯格在一份声明中表示,他“感激证交会认识到,他个人不应面对任何欺诈控罪”。

6.Rep. Towns said the House committee wants to ask Mr. Greenberg what went wrong at AIG that led to the bailout.唐斯说,众议院监管委员会希望问格林伯格,AIG究竟出了什么样的问题导致政府不得不出手救助。

7.Painstakingly built over the course of 40 years by an army veteran, Hank Greenberg, AIG was the ideal counterparty for Wall Street.痛心的是,40年由于一名陆军老兵,汉克格林伯格创建的AIG公司是华尔街的一个理想的制衡体。

8.Hence, when Mr Greenberg decided to launch into a whole new business in 1986 no one raised an eyebrow.因此,当格林伯格决定开设一个全新的业务,没有人提出质疑。

9.During the interview, Mr Greenberg asked Mr Cayne about his hobbies and he told him he played bridge.面试中,格林伯格询问凯恩的爱好,凯恩回答说他喜欢打桥牌。

10.Trying to farm a fish just because there is an estabpshed market for it is a waste of time and money, argues Mr Greenberg.Greenberg认为,仅凭市场对某种鱼类有需求就尝试去人工养殖,无非是在浪费时间和金钱。