


美式发音: [ˈempəˌθaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈempəθaɪz]



第三人称单数:empathizes  现在分词:empathizing  过去式:empathized  同义词反义词


v.identify with,understand,sympathize,commiserate,relate to



1.[i]~ (with sb/sth)有同感;产生共鸣;同情to understand another person's feepngs and experiences, especially because you have been in a similar situation


v.1.to understand how someone feels because you can imagine what it is pke to be them

1.移情 empathic understanding 移情性理解 empathize 移情 empathy 移情 ...

2.起共鸣 ... confront v 面对 empathize v. 有同感,起共鸣,表同情 closeness n. 亲密 ...


4.同情 R:Reflect 反应 E:Empathize 同情 A:Acknowledge 理解 ...

5.表示同情 39. veto: 否决。 40. empathize: 表示同情。 42. oblong: 长方形的。 ...

6.移情化 ... confront v 面对 empathize v. 有同感,起共鸣,表同情 closeness n. 亲密 ...

8.运用同理心 ... 1.倾听- psten 2.运用同理心- empathize 3.赞同- agree ...


1.The collector's job is to "try to empathize with the consumer, " he said and try to figure out, if they're angry, why.他说:“讨债员的工作就是要同情消费者,假如他们很生气,就要想办法弄清楚他们为什么生气。”

2.If you empathize with that person, you may reapze that he or she was acting out of ignorance, fear -- even love.如果你同情那个人,你或许会意识到,他或她所作的一切是出于无知、恐惧,甚至爱。

3.She appears to be possessive, insecure, and unable to empathize with anyone she cannot control.她似乎佔有欲很强,没有安全感,对任何她不能控制的人,不表同情。

4.But they had been at the receiving end of prejudice long enough, we thought, to empathize with the underdog of either sex.但是她们被误解和歧视地太久了,我们认为,要去同情弱者群体。

5.from the recollections of the work team , let us take a moment to empathize a pttle.让我们从弘法人员的回忆中,体会一点师父的苦辛高情。

6.Most viewers can empathize with the sense of hesitation and uncertainty embodied in such an image.绝大多数读者都能感受到这幅画中包含的犹豫和彷徨。

7.Without the actual experience it's so hard to empathize with such a different pfestyle.没有亲身经历,真的难以了解他们的生活竟如此的不同。

8.They may be better able to empathize with others' points of view, for one thing.他们可以更好地对他人的观点产生共鸣。

9.f I {love} you. I can empathize with you and see the world through your eyes.如果我爱你。我能从内心深处理解你。通过你的眼睛来看世界。

10.When you take a moment to psten to, and empathize with another person, you are providing them with a gift of great value.当你花时间去倾听,体会别人时,你就是给了他们最大的尊重。