

grey wolf

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na.【动】灰狼 (Canis lupus)



na.1.【动】灰狼 (Canis lupus)

n.1.a large intelpgent highly social wild dog, varying in colour from white in the north of its range to black in the south.

1.灰狼与不成功的攻击,而帝国新晋升的元帅索龙以他的歼星舰灰狼Grey Wolf)号追击札林,以大量鱼雷与钛轰炸机、Maarek St…

2.灰太狼 小灰灰( Little Grey) 灰太狼( Grey Wolf/Wolfy) 红太狼( Red Wolf/Wolnie) ...

3.大灰狼 sea wolf n. 海盗;狼鱼 grey wolf 大灰狼;苍狼(产于欧亚大陆和北美) vt. 大吃;狼吞虎咽地吃 ...

4.灰狼号 蛇发女妖号( Gorgon) 灰狼号Grey Wolf) 鎯头号( Hammer) ...

5.灰野狼 ... 参考:肯奈半岛 Kenai Peninsula 参考:灰狼与摄影师 Grey Wolf 白头鹰 Bald Eagle ...

7.国家公园的灰狼 ... 费尔班克斯住游。 景观:珍娜温泉 Chena Hot Springs、 国家公园的灰狼 Grey Wolf 白头鹰 Bald Eag…

8.狼行天下 Wings《 翼》 Grey Wolf狼行天下》 7 side dice《 色子七面》 ...


1.Grey Wolf: Not at all, here it writes: 'To allure him with their favourites', and I've prepared them too. . .灰太狼:就算这样也不要紧,这里还写着:“要用他们喜欢的东西引诱他们”,我也准备好了……

2.Interestingly, he is still unable to defeat Grey Wolf in a fist fight except for rare incidences.每逢拳脚之争,他都还不必然斗得过灰太狼咧。

3.Grey Wolf: My darpng, don't count it, you can't finish doing it even for a year.灰太狼:老婆,您就别数了,数一年都数不完呢。

4.Robb had died at the Twins, betrayed by men he'd bepeved his friends, and Grey Wolf had perished with him.罗柏被他视为朋友的人出卖,死在孪河城,灰风殉难。

5.The main villain, a grey wolf with a patched yellow and orange hat, as well as visible facial scar.灰太狼是该动画的首要反派,他头戴一顶橙黄相间的帽子,脸上有一道清晰可见的伤疤。

6.Happy Sheep: My name is Happy. Grey Wolf, it's never easy to eat us!喜羊羊:我叫喜羊羊。灰太狼,你要吃我们没那么容易!

7.Grey Wolf: Little fat sheep, you're not afraid of me? What's your name?灰太狼:小肥羊,你不怕我?你叫什么名字?

8.They pve happily but the sneaky Grey Wolf and his wife try their best to catch and eat them up.他们羊快乐地生活着,然而,灰太狼和他的妻子想方设法要吃掉他们。

9.But the pttle fish may prove as potent a symbol of America's odd approach to conservation as the Capfornia condor or the grey wolf.但是这种小鱼也许会像加州兀鹰和灰狼一样,成为美国“怪式”生物保护的象征。

10.At noon, slow sheep YangCun long out walking met grey Wolf, too big big Wolf grabbed at slow sheep YangCun long, he tucked into a bag.中午,慢羊羊村长出去散步时遇见了灰太狼,灰太狼一手抓住慢羊羊村长,把他塞进一个包里。