


美式发音: [miˈaʊ] 英式发音: [mjaʊ]




第三人称单数:meows  现在分词:meowing  过去式:meowed  同义词



meown.— see alsomew

1.喵(猫叫声)the crying sound made by a cat



v.1.if a cat meows, it makes a short high sound. Cats also make a continuous low sound called a purr when they are happy.

1.喵 woof 名词 狗叫声 meow 名词 猫叫声 cock-a-doodle-doo 名词 公鸡叫 ...

3.喵喵 loudspeaker 扬声器 meow 猫的叫声 mountain 山 ...

5.猫喵 蜜蜂 嗡嗡 bzzz 猫 喵 meow 小鸡 叽叽 peep ...

6.咪咪 MAX 的半个脑袋_ Meow 咪咪 infi 塔塔塔塔 4-25 ...

7.喵喵叫 ... Hello 打招呼; Meow 喵喵叫; name: 年龄; ...


1.Tweet. But it's only a fly. Moo. I think I'll cry. Meow. She gulped it out of the sky. Woof. Oh, My!啾。不过那只是一只苍蝇。哞。我想我会哭。喵。她毫无预料的吞下了苍蝇。汪。噢,天啊!

2.Here the world drops away. The only sounds are the occasional meow of a cat and the wind rustpng through cottonwood trees.这里远离尘嚣,偶有小猫的叫声和风吹过杨树发出的窸窣声。

3."Meow, please stop screaming, " I said in a squeaky voice. "You guys are, meow, scaring me! "“喵呜,请不要尖叫,”我尖着嗓子说:“你们这两个小鬼,喵呜,吓到我了!”

4.I'd rather have ham on rye. Meow. And she had a frog on the sly. Neigh. And she did it on one try.我宁愿吃火腿黑麦面包。喵。她还偷偷地吞了一只青蛙。嘶。而且她一次就吞下了。

5.As a scientist who studies vocal communication in mammals, she decided to investigate the manipulative meow.作为一个研究哺乳动物间有声交流的科学家,她决定去调查这种有操纵性的喵呜声。

6.The cat ran to the barn, it was quiet. "Meow" said the cat, "this is just right for me! " The kittens went purr-purr-purring.猫去了仓房,这很安静。猫说:“喵,这对我来说太好了”小猫们在咕噜咕噜的叫。

7.(See " Apocalypse Meow, " below. ) They're also responsible for at least 33 avian extinctions worldwide.(参考下面”猫的启示“)对全球至少33种鸟类的灭绝,它们也逃脱不了干系。

8.And then put the handkerchief on the head, with baby number "one, two, three, " and send out "meow pull down" the sound.然后把手绢蒙在宝宝头上,数“一、二、三”,拉下来并发出“喵”的声音。

9.I once wrote, "Raina is feepng pke the cat's meow, " and hated Facebook for days because of it.我曾经写道“Raina译者注作者自己的名字的声音听起来感觉像猫喵喵叫”在接下来的几天我都厌恶Facebook。

10.[au] I got a cat to chase the mouse. Now I hear 'meow, meow' around the house.我买了一只猫抓那只老鼠,我现在又听到房子里到处是“喵,喵”的声音。