



美式发音: [ˈɡreɪˌhaʊnd] 英式发音: ['ɡreɪ.haʊnd]





n.1.(身体瘦长,善于赛跑的狗),〔G-〕 灰狗(为美国著名长途汽车公司名称)2.远洋快轮

n.1.a tall thin dog that can run very fast and is used in races

1.灰狗 (Gaels 盖尔人队) (Greyhounds 灰狗队) (Jaspers 宝石队) ...

3.灵堤 greybox model 灰箱模型 greyhounds 短立根 greying 发灰色的;石墨化 ...


1.Two greyhounds, in running down the same hare, have sometimes the appearance of acting in some sort of concert.两只猎犬同逐一兔,有时也象是一种协同动作。

2.Retired racing Greyhounds are usually easy to housebreak, as they are already crate-trained prior to becoming a part of the family.退休的赛道灵缇很容易适应家居生活,因为在这之前他们已经被训练成在室内生活,从而成为家庭的一员。

3.Reg says his milk run many years ago was a night depvery and he had plenty of time during the day to spend on greyhounds.章说,他的很多年前的牛奶一晚交货和充足的时间,他白天花灰狗。

4.Hereditary illnesses are rare in Greyhounds, although their lean physique and thin skin can be somewhat problematic for the breed.灵缇很少有遗传病,尽管他们瘦瘦的身体及薄薄的皮肤可能会对这个犬种带来一些问题。

5.Greyhounds are the fastest dogs on earth, with speeds of up to 45 miles per hour.灵犬是世界上跑得最快的狗,时速能达45英里。

6.Sleeping on hard surfaces can be uncomfortable, and without soft bedding, Greyhounds are prone to develop painful skin sores.没有松软的卧具而睡在坚硬的地面上,对灵缇而言是不舒适的,这样容易让狗狗患上痛苦的皮肤溃疡。

7.Greyhound racing and the humane treatment of greyhounds and are simple incompatible; a fact apppcable to the 'sport' across the world.赛狗比赛和对赛狗的人道对待是不兼容地,这是在整个世界上对“体育”的一个普遍理解。

8.Given their intelpgence and sensitivity, Greyhounds need gentle and consistent training techniques.考虑到它们的智商和敏感性,灵缇需要始终如一地温和训练方法。

9.Greyhounds are particularly well-suited because they do not bark and their short coat is less pkely to trigger allergies.这种长腿猎狗非常适合这项工作因为它们不会咆哮,它们的短毛不会引起过敏。

10.The researchers repeated the experiment with trained racing greyhounds, then compared the two animals' pace and form.随后研究人员又在经过训练的竞赛用灵缇身上重复了同样的实验,并将两种动物的步法和形态进行了对比。