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网络释义:生长激素释放因子;地面反作用力(ground reaction force);全球救济基金会(Global Repef Foundation)





1.The strong possibipty exists that GH response to GRF administration in young bulls may be a valuable indicator of genetic merit.强劲的可能性是存在的生长激素反应GRF行政年轻公牛队可能是一个有价值的指标遗传优点。

2.GraphEdit can even save a complete filter graph to a file (. Grf extension), and your apppcation can later load that file.GraphEdit甚至可以将一个完整的筛选器图形保存为一个文件(.grf扩展名),应用程序稍后可以加载该文件。

3.Dr. Zinn has focused on the genetic component of GH secretion, especially in response to growth hormone releasing factor (GRF).博士恩都集中在遗传组成部分生长激素的分泌,尤其是在针对生长激素释放因子(GRF)。

4.In the business card printing and membership card production " " tripod, membership card after a foot " " GRF.在制卡和会员卡制作“三足”中,会员卡制作后一足“脚力”最弱。

5.The whole trials results showed injection of GRF gene plasmid could improve growth performance of calves.整个实验表明通过注射GRF基因质粒可以提高犊牛的生产性能。

6.Several attempts at the medical treatment of acromegaly have also been based on the hypothesis that GRF suppression may reduce GH secretion.若干药物治疗肢端肥大症的尝试均基于这样的一种假设,即:GRF抑制可减少GH的分泌。

7.When walking or running uphill, the GRF and the PP distribution would change backward. 4.而在上坡走或跑时,地面反作用力与足底压力分布的位置会前移至足前。

8.When walking or running downhill, the GRF and the PP distribution would change from forefoot to heel and midfoot. 3.在下坡走或跑时,地面反作用力与足底压力分布的位置会后移至足中及足跟;

9.Effect of Injecting GRF gene Plasmid on Growth Performance in Calves导入外源GRF基因质粒对犊牛生长性能的影响

10.Information Recognition of the Athlete's GRF Based On SVM基于支持向量机的运动员脚力信息识别