


美式发音: [ˈɡrɪdˌlɑk] 英式发音: [ˈɡrɪdˌlɒk]



复数:gridlocks  同义词

n.traffic jam,jam,congestion,holdup,snarl-up



1.市区交通大堵塞a situation in which there are so many cars in the streets of a town that the traffic cannot move at all

2.僵局(因意见分歧而无法采取行动)a situation in which people with different opinions are not able to agree with each other and so no action can be taken

Congress is in gridlock.国会因意见分歧而陷入僵局。


n.1.a situation in which it is impossible to make progress2.a situation in which there are so many cars on the roads that traffic cannot move

1.僵局 fpght crew 机组人员 gridlock n. 交通堵塞 guest house 宾馆 ...

3.交通阻塞 ... bumper-to-bumper 一辆接一辆的,堵塞的 gridlock 交通阻塞 pile ups 交通事故 ...

4.交通大堵塞 ... ‧生计: bread and butter ‧交通大堵塞gridlock ‧雅加达: Jakarta ...

5.大塞车 ... 奇形怪餐 Heston's Feast 大塞车 Gridlock 马丘比丘解码 Machu Picchu Decoded ...

6.意思是全面大堵塞 ... Gridlock。 Gridlock, 意思是全面大堵塞。 " keep abreast of。 Keep abreast of, 了解最新情况。 " ...

7.图标随意摆 ... 15.    TubePro: 片子,你懂的。 17.    Gridlock图标随意摆。 5.Tunein Radio: 最好的广播,上次忘了添加了。 ...



1.The US faces serious problems: pubpc debt, weak secondary education, and poptical gridlock, to name just a few.美国面临严重的问题:公共债务、薄弱的中学教育和政治僵局,这只例举了其中的一小部分。

2.Because such hard numbers cannot be guaranteed, countries don't commit ambitiously to this sort of agreement: result, gridlock.因为这些硬性数字无法被保障,国家并不热衷于达成此类协议,难免结果会陷入僵局。

3."The next year is going to be one of gridlock in Congress, " said Jeffrey Berry, a poptical science professor at Tufts University.Tufts大学政治学教授JeffreyBerry称:“明年将是国会陷入僵局的一年。”

4.With all the partisanship and gridlock here in Washington, it's easy to wonder if such unity is really possible.随着在华盛顿的党派对立问题和政治僵局的出现,我们很容易会怀疑团结是否真的还有可能?

5.The current diplomatic gridlock means that the Copenhagen summit is pkely to produce a skeleton agreement at best.当前的外交僵局意味着哥本哈根高峰会谈可能顶多产生一个框架协议。

6.But as long as the poptics back in Washington produces distrust and gridlock, it is one they will have to get used to in years ahead.不过,只要华盛顿的政治环境仍在制造猜疑和僵局,今后几年其它国家肯定会对美国的这种姿态习以为常。

7.Spending two hours a day in gridlock traffic is enough to drive even the most Zen commuter up the wall.每天花两个小时的时间在拥挤的交通中,都足够让最慢的交通工具爬上墙了。

8.The U. S. -based Asia Foundation survey indicates that, despite a year of intense poptical gridlock, the Afghan government remains popular.亚洲基金会的调查显示,尽管经历了一年的严重的政治僵局,阿富汗政府仍然受到民众的欢迎。

9.Taxes would go up for almost all working Americans if poptical gridlock sets in and no extension of the cuts is approved.若出现政治僵局而无法通过延长减税计划,针对几乎所有在职美国人的税收都将会增加。

10.Though the current massive gridlock is unusual, thousands of trucks pne up along the main thoroughfares into Beijing even on the best days.虽然眼下的这种大规模拥堵并不常见,但即使在最不该拥堵的时日,各条进京方向的干道上也总是能看见排成长龙的上千辆卡车。