

menu item

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1.菜单项 "$$$/Actions/Class/MeasureTool= 测量" "$$$/Actions/Class/MenuItem= 菜单项目" "$$$/Actions/Class/Move= 移动" ...

3.菜单选项 9.画布 Canvas 3.菜单选项 MenuItem 1.窗体 JFrame ...

4.移除菜单项 (item:MenuItem) 添加菜单项。 (item:MenuItem) 移除菜单项。 ...

5.添加菜单项 (item:MenuItem) 添加菜单项。 (item:MenuItem) 移除菜单项。 ...

6.定义菜单项 MENUDEFAULT 默认菜单项………………………203 MENUITEM 定义菜单项……………………………204 MEM 内存查看 …


1.Popup menus are menus that have submenus, a menuitem is just a menuitem with an associated ID.Popup(弹出)菜单是有子菜单的菜单,一个菜单项仅是一个有关联ID的菜单项。

2.The text attribute defines the name of the MenuItem, and the action attribute contains an operation that determines the item's behavior.text属性定义MenuItem的名称,action属性包含一个决定菜单项行为的操作。

3.Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the Shortcut property of the MenuItem class.用此枚举的成员来设置MenuItem类的Shortcut属性的值。

4.Adds a new MenuItem, to the end of the current menu, with a specified caption.将具有指定标题的新MenuItem添加到当前菜单的末尾。

5.To do that, you first need to have an event handpng method in the ManageCustomer controller for an "add" menuitem onCpck event.要完成这些,首先要在ManageCustomer控制器中有“add”菜单项的onCpck事件的事件处理方法。

6.Add a MenuItem object titled Cancel, on the same level as Done, to discard the changes and return to the main form.在“完成”所在的同一层上添加一个标题为“取消”的MenuItem对象,以丢弃更改并返回主窗体。

7.Add a MenuItem object titled Done for the left soft key to close the form and return to the Main Form.为左软键添加一个标题为“完成”的MenuItem对象,以关闭该窗体并返回到主窗体。

8.Add a MenuItem object titled Donefor the left soft key to update the database with the changes and return to the Main Form.为左软键添加一个标题为“完成”的MenuItem对象,以使用所做更改更新数据库并返回到主窗体。

9.Add a MenuItem object titled Cancelfor the right soft key to discard the changes and return to the main form.为右软键添加一个标题为“取消”的MenuItem对象,以放弃更改并返回到主窗体。

10.The Menu object also contains an attribute called items whose value can be one or more MenuItem objects.Menu对象还包含一个名为items的属性,该属性的值可以是一个或多个MenuItem对象。