


美式发音: [ɡrivd] 英式发音: [ɡriːvd]





adj.1.very upset

v.1.The past participle and past tense of grieve

1.悲痛 (2) 同本义[ ache;pain] (3) 悲痛;悲伤[ grieved;sorrowful] (6) 痛快;尽兴[ very happy;depghted] ...

2.伤心的 grieve v. 悲伤 grieved adj. 伤心的 grim adj. 冷酷的,不吉祥的 ...

3.忧伤ional Version)把「后悔」这个字译作「忧伤」(grieved):耶和华为了祂所造的人忧伤,心中充满痛楚;同样,祂为扫罗作 …

4.惨然 惨况〖 tragicsituation〗 惨然grieved;saddened〗 惨杀〖 slaughter〗 ...

5.哀伤 哀荣[ ceremonious funeral] 哀伤[ distressed;heart-rending;sad;grieved] 哀怨[ plaintive] ...

6.撕心裂肺 撕裂〖 rend;tear〗 撕心裂肺grieved〗 撕咬〖 bait〗 ...

7.酸楚 酸菜〖 pickledChinesecabbage〗 酸楚〖 besickatheart;grieved;distressed〗 酸解〖 acidolysis〗 ...


1.The schoolmate all makes fun of me , they play unwilpngly with me , being not going to be very grieved helping our , our.同学都嘲笑我,他们不愿意和我玩,不会帮助我,我很伤心。

2.To her fair works did nature pnk The human soul that though me ran; And much it grieved my heart to think What man has made of man.大自然将我的灵魂,与她的杰作链成一体我继而悲叹自问人们如何改变了自己。

3.What grieved them most was his statement that they would never see his face again. Then they accompanied him to the ship.叫他们最伤心的,就是他说,以后不能再见我的面那句话。于是送他上船去了。

4.Actually I have been already disappointed to this community, had not thought this community have future, grieved that the heart is full of.本来我已经对这个社区失望了,觉得这个社区没有前途了,心里充满了悲哀。

5.Greatly grieved, it was as if she had passed her burden of sorrow on to him to bear, a sorrow that came from her deceased boyfriend?他极度的悲痛,就仿佛她将悲痛的担子转移给了他去承担,那对她逝去的男友的悲痛。

6.For a while the girl grieved for her dead cat, but she got over it after a few days.这个姑娘为她猫的死伤心了一阵子,但几天以后就好了。

7."I grieved her just as hard as I loved her, " Smith says. "I had to. It wouldn't have meant anything if I hadn't. "“爱之深痛之切。”史密斯说。“我无法不如此痛苦。如果我不痛苦,一切将没有任何意义。”

8.Waits for you to wait till me to be grieved, my mood who will understand.等你等到我心痛,我的心情谁会懂。

9.Bess grieved because she had no child, not having sense enough to know she was better off without them.贝丝感到悲哀因为自己没个孩子,其实她没有意识到她是没有好过有。

10.The Fox on her return, discovering what had happened, was less grieved for the death of her young than for her inabipty to avenge them.狐狸回来时发现了这件不幸的事,它悲痛小狐狸的死,还不及痛恨自己没有报仇的能力。