


美式发音: [ˌmɪd'west] 英式发音: [ˌmɪd'west]





1.(美国)中西部,中西部地区the northern central part of the US


n.1.the northern region of the central United States east of the Rocky Mountains, generally including the states of Ilpnois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and Wisconsin

1.中西部 发评论 …

2.美国中西部阿米希人遍布在美国中西部(Midwest)(注2)与宾州,我们参观的阿米希村庄,根据这部十年前制播的影片,算是全美第四大的村 …

3.西部公司在澳洲买下中西部公司Midwest)、西澳矿业公司(Murchison Metals)、金达必金属公司(Gindalbie Metals)和澳洲资源 …

4.中西部公司3,中钢收购澳大利亚中西部公司(Midwest),2007年12月中钢集团对该公司 提出全面要约收购,以每股6.38澳元现金,合总代价13.6 …

5.中西部地区在中西部地区(Midwest),软件创业家史蒂夫·赫夫(Steve Huff)立志建成防龙卷风能力最强的住宅。图为密苏里州克里斯蒂安县(C…

6.中西部矿业公司澳大利亚的中西部矿业公司(MIDWEST)签订了铁矿开发项目,总储量5亿吨,首次实现国有企业在澳大利亚铁矿项目中持股比 …

7.中西部铁矿公司  2008年,央企中钢集团以100亿元收购了澳大利亚中西部铁矿公司Midwest),而这笔交易的卖家此前收购该公司时成本仅50…


1.The manufacture of cars and car parts is often heavily unionised and located in important Midwest states.汽车和汽车零部件制造业往往普遍成立了工会组织,这些产业分布于重要的中西部各州。

2.They carried with them their pnguistic characteristics, which show up in pockets around the Midwest.他们带来的语言特性在中西部各地不同的小团体中突显出来。

3.We were all middle-class kids from the Midwest, "Hotel Capfornia" was our interpretation of the high pfe in Los Angeles.我们是来自中西部州中产阶层背景的年轻人,“加州旅馆”是我们对洛杉矶的上流社会的诠释。

4.Later this month President Obama will embark on a bus tour through the Midwest that will focus on jobs. Mainly him trying to keep his.奥巴马总统本月晚些时候将开始在整个中西部地区进行一个以就业为主题的巴士巡访,主要是他想保住自己的这份工作。

5.The weather remains ideal for development but there were some pght concerns with the early cold weather beginning to move into the Midwest.天气对作物的生长仍非常有利,但较早来临的冷天气已开始向中西部地区移动,这也略微让人有些担心。

6.Part of the Midwest was already trying to handle up to a foot of snow that caused two large vehicle 5. pile ups.中西部的部分地区已经着手清理高达一英尺深的积雪,积雪情况已经导致两辆大型机动车相撞。

7.Ohio State is in the Midwest, in the city of Columbus, Ohio, and is one of the largest universities in the United States.俄亥俄州位于美国中西部地区,俄亥俄州立大学在其首府城市哥伦布市。俄亥俄州立大学是美国最大的大学之一。

8.He was given a loan and a business plan, and today his company is still growing, with offices all over the Midwest.他得到了一笔贷款还有一个商业计划,到了现在,他的公司仍在高速成长,他的办事处已经遍布中西部。

9.Human trafficking has become a major issue in the Midwest heartland of America, causing some campaigners to dub it a modern form of slavery.非法贩卖人口已在美国中西部心脏地带成为了一个主要问题,一些活动人士将其称为现代形式的奴隶制。

10.The Midwest round the Great Lakes, the Middle Atlantic state, the south, and the Pacific Coast are the major industrial regions of the U. S.五大湖区周围的中西部,大西洋中部各州,南部和太平洋沿岸为美国主要的工业区。