


美式发音: [ˈɡrɪfɪθ] 英式发音: [ˈɡrifiθ]






na.1.The variant of Griffiths

1.格里菲斯 Guillaume( 贵龙姆) Griffith( 葛里菲兹) Greg( 格雷格) ...

3.格里菲思 Grandtour 远游 Griffith 格力菲斯 GT Spyder GT· 斯皮特 ...


7.葛里菲斯葛里菲斯Griffith)建立了著名的玻璃断裂理 论,并导出了材料实际断裂强度与微裂纹长度 的关系 C E 2 式中, s为断裂强度…


1.SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: We finally come back to the front door of the house. Yet there is still much to see at the Biltmore estate.我们终于回到了家门口。然而,仍然有许多看到在比尔特莫尔庄园。

2.SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Flannery O'Connor is at least as well known for her stories as for her novels.雪丽葛里菲兹:弗兰纳里奥康纳至少也为她的小说为她的故事而闻名。

3.Griffith said the company plans an aggressive expansion into new cities in the United States and Europe.格里菲思说,公司计划进军美国和欧洲其他城市的市场。

4."You only need to know one thing about a person and then you know everything" or at least think you do, said Griffith.“你只要了解了一个人某一点,便能了解他的全部。”格里菲斯说。

5.SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Two Emerging Explorers are working to turn waste into a valuable resource.雪丽葛里菲兹:两个新兴的探险者正在变成一种宝贵的资源浪费。

6.SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Lisa Gherardini is sitting down with her hands crossed in her lap.丽莎格拉蒂尼正坐在她的手在她的腿上越过。

7.SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Laura Ingalls was born in eighteen sixty-seven in an area known as the "Big Woods" of Wisconsin.雪格里菲斯:劳拉英戈尔斯出生于一八六七年在被誉为“大森林”的威斯康星州闻名的地区。

8.Test pilot John Griffith pokes his head out of an X-1 to chat with ground crew members.试飞员约翰格里菲思戳他的头从一个X-1进行交谈与地面机组人员。

9.He is one of the world most handsome hunks . His wife is also a famous star (Melanie Griffith).他是当今世界上最英俊的明星,他的妻子也是一个明星(梅兰妮·格里菲斯)。

10.There a tearful Griffith hugged her rescuers: first Ricks, who also broke down in tears, and then the fraternity brothers.格里菲斯热泪盈眶地拥抱她的救命恩人:首先是里克斯,他也感动得哭了,然后是其他几个小伙子。