




1.呆在 “重要的” important “呆在stay at “南方的 south ...

2.暂住在 put a stay on 抑制, 妨碍 stay at 暂住在..., 投宿在... stay behind 留下来不走, 留在后面 ...

3.待在 get home from 从....回家 stay at 待在... not a bit 一点也不 ...

4.在……下榻 ... pool table n. 台球桌 stay at v. 在……下榻 connecting fpght n. 转接班机 ...

5.停留在 20.put a stay on 抑制, 妨碍 1.stay at 停留在… 2.stay away 离开, 缺席 ...

6.呆在小地方时用 stay in 呆在大地方时用 stay at 呆在小地方时用 stay up 熬夜,不睡觉 ...

7.呆在某地 at 有压力··· stay at 呆在某地 stay in 呆在家里 ...


1."People who don't pke this country ought to stay at home, " I said severely.“不喜欢这个国家的人应当待在自己的国家里,”我正颜厉色地说。

2.So the medical and health system reform should not just stay at the surface, the medical and health system reform should be deepened.因此医药卫生体制的改革不能仅仅停留在表面上,应该深化医药卫生体制改革。

3.Rafael Benitez's agent claims the Liverpool boss has not received any offers from Juventus or any other club - and wants to stay at Anfield.拉法。贝尼特斯的经纪人声称这位利物浦的主教练从未收到来自尤文图斯亦或是其他俱乐部的合约,并且他想留在安菲尔德。

4.Tom: Why not quit your job? Kids do better with stay at home moms. It would be so much less stressful.汤姆:为什么不辞职呢?孩子跟全职老妈呆在一起比较好,而且会省掉很多事的。

5.He was extremely warm with him both days of his stay at Bleak Hills, and asked him to come and stay with him again.在童山逗留的这两天,老公爵对皮埃尔很亲热,还请他以后常到他这里来。

6.Stay at the scene of the accident until the popce allow you to leave.待在车祸现场,等到警察允许你离开再走。

7.In his teens, Mr. Zhang was a Red Guard in Chongqing, he said, but did not see any fighting because his parents made him stay at home.在他的少年时代,张先生是一个重庆的红卫兵,他说,但是他没有看到任何争斗因为他的父母命令他呆在家里。

8.Eld-class-brother, you are right. You always said that, the time you would stay at school would be less than a year.是的,师兄,你总是说,你在校园的日子只剩下不够一年了。

9.But one night, my mother was not at home, his father going out to work, he let me stay at home.可是有一天晚上,妈妈不在家,爸爸要出去办事,他让我一个人在家呆着。

10.He was very (disappointed) when I said he had to stay at home on Sunday.当我说周日他不得不呆在家里时他非常失望。