


美式发音: [ɡraɪp] 英式发音: [ɡraɪp]




复数:gripes  现在分词:griping  过去式:griped  同义词反义词






1.(informal)抱怨;怨言;牢骚a complaint about sth

My only gripe about the hotel was the food.我对这家旅馆唯一不满的是食物。


1.[i](informal)~ (about sb/sth)抱怨;发牢骚to complain about sb/sth in an annoying way

He's always griping about the people at work.他老是抱怨共事的人。



n.1.a complaint about something that is annoying but not very important

v.1.to complain continuously in an annoying way

1.抱怨 sellotape 透明胶带 gripe 抱怨,发牢骚 stripe 条纹,斑纹,类型 ...

2.发牢骚 sellotape 透明胶带 gripe 抱怨,发牢骚 stripe 条纹,斑纹,类型 ...

3.紧握 grip 握紧,抓牢 n.紧握 gripe 发牢骚,抱怨;紧握 grippe 流行性感冒 ...

4.肠绞痛 grinding teeth 磨牙,磨齿 gripe 肠绞痛 grippotoxin 流感毒素 ...

5.诉苦 grin vi. 咧着嘴笑 gripe v. 抱怨,诉苦 grisly adj. 恐怖的 ...

6.抱怨,诉苦 grin 咧着嘴笑 gripe 腹部绞痛,②抱怨,诉苦 grove 小树林 ...

7.抓住 ... 继承用法 n. 制动器握紧,抓住 gripe n.肠绞痛 gripe ...

8.激怒 prone( 面向下的) gripe( 激怒) tripe( 废话) ...


1.Even intellectuals who gripe about personal-freedom and civil rights issues seem to do so through a filter of sincere patriotism.即使是知识分子关心个人自由和公民权利问题的抱怨似乎做一个真诚的爱国主义的过滤器。

2.However in this case Mr Thiel's gripe was that the banks failed to appreciate LinkedIn's tremendous potential.但是在这个案例中,Thiel不满的是银行没有估价到Linkedin的巨大的潜力。

3.engpsh tang . com Got an awful travel gripe? The Avenger may be able to sort it out for you.得到了一个可怕的旅行抱怨吗?复仇者也许可以为您排序。

4.Losing Defoe and Kaboul to suspension would be my only gripe, but we've got Dawson and Gallas back from injury, which has been a real boost.迪福和卡布尔被停赛让我有点不满,但是我们的道森和加拉丝则伤愈复出了,这是一个极好的消息。

5.Think not that I shall interfere with Heaven's own method of retribution, or, to my own loss, betray him to the gripe of human law.不要以为我会扰乱上天的惩治方法,或者,把他揭露出来,诉请人间的法律去制裁,那样我会得不偿失。

6.My biggest gripe so far is the fact that there's no way to tell why a given message has been deemed important.我最大的牢骚就是现在没有没有途径告诉我为什么它认为这些邮件是重要的。

7.The host generally pays, and no one needs to hear you gripe about appetizer prices or shrimp count.主人通常都会支付账单,没人想要听到你抱怨关于开胃菜的价格或者小虾的个数。

8.In April, a customer wanting to mail in a gripe said on Daggle that a rep 'told me to address it to a Steve Larson. '4月,一位想要投诉的客户在Daggle上写道,客服代表“告诉我把投诉信寄给一个叫史蒂夫•拉尔森(SteveLarson)的人。”

9.and maintained its tenacious gripe, almost maddening me with fear. 'How can I! '还是紧紧的抓着不放,恐惧几乎让我疯狂。

10.Two extremes in my pfe that most of the time I find uncomfortable. I normally dread them and gripe about it all the way through.在大多数时候,我对生活中的两个极端都不感到舒服。我总是惧怕它们,并且一直在抱怨。