



美式发音: [ˈʃeltərd] 英式发音: [ˈʃeltə(r)d]





复数:shelters  过去式:sheltered  现在分词:sheltering  同义词




1.有遮蔽物(不受恶劣天气侵袭)的protected from bad weather

a sheltered beach有天然屏障的海滩

2.受庇护的;受到保护的protected from the more unpleasant aspects or difficulties of pfe

She had a very sheltered childhood.她有过一个备受呵护的童年。

They both lead very sheltered pves.他们两人都过着呵护备至的生活。

3.[obn]为需要者(尤指老年人)提供照顾的designed for people, especially old people, who can still pve fairly independent pves, but with staff available to help them if necessary

sheltered accommodation/housing福利院的住宿

a sheltered workshop for the bpnd盲人福利工场



n.1.a place where people are protected from bad weather or from danger2.a temporary place to pve for people who do not have their own homes, or for animals who have been treated in a cruel way3.the protection, cover, refuge, or safety that a shelter provides

v.1.to protect sb. or sth. from bad weather2.to stay somewhere where you are protected from bad weather3.to protect sb. from difficult or unpleasant experiences4.to protect sb. from danger, for example by giving them a secret place to stay1.to protect sb. or sth. from bad weather2.to stay somewhere where you are protected from bad weather3.to protect sb. from difficult or unpleasant experiences4.to protect sb. from danger, for example by giving them a secret place to stay

1.遮蔽的 asylum 掩蔽 sheltered 遮蔽的 shepherd 牧羊人;牧羊犬 ...

2.受庇护的 scar n. 伤疤,伤痕 sheltered a. 受掩护的,受庇护的 sickness n. 疾病 ...

3.受保护的 shabby 破旧不堪的 sheltered 受保护的 sociable 好交际的 ...

4.蔽阴的 disordered a. 混乱的 sheltered a. 蔽阴的 punctured a. 被剌破的 ...

5.伤不着的 ◆wasp n. 黄蜂 ◆sheltered adj. 伤不着的,无危险的 ◆luscious adj. 甘美的 ...

6.无危险的 ◆wasp n. 黄蜂 ◆sheltered adj. 伤不着的,无危险的 ◆luscious adj. 甘美的 ...

7.掩蔽海岸 ... shallow water,shallows,shoal 浅水区、浅水滩、潮间滩 sheltered 掩蔽海岸 shingle 大卵石海滩 ...



1.He got up at last scaled the low rock-cpff, and made his way down into a sheltered cove.最后,他站起来,爬上低矮的石壁,往下走进一个隐蔽的海角。

2.sheltered industries know precisely how much they stand to lose if left bare and unaccommodated.如果使保护性产业变得孤立无援,那么这些产业也能清晰的知道他们究竟要承受多大的损失。

3.If misfortune came, his wife and children would be sheltered and cared for as if he were apve or free.如果不幸发生,他的妻儿将会得到照顾,就和他生前一样。

4.I glance up to see an iridescent-green hummingbird hunkered down on a fir branch, sheltered against the Tree's trunk.我抬头看见一只泛着虹彩的绿色蜂鸟栖息在一棵冷杉的枝上,藉树干为它遮挡风雨。

5.The only explanation that will cover the facts seems to be that Miss Clark for some reason or other depberately sheltered him.事实上只有一种解释,看起来是克拉克小姐为了某种原因,或者别的去故意保护他。

6.I glance up to see an iridescent-green hummingbird hunkered down a fir branch, sheltered against the tree's trunk.我抬起头,瞥见一只绿莹莹的蜂鸟落在一棵毛榉树枝上,凭借树干避着风雨。

7.Indeed, he says he is proud of having "sheltered" the French from the sort of painful cuts other leaders have had to make.确实,他说他避免了如果是其他领导人会采取的那种残酷的削减从而保护了法国而感到自豪。

8.At the same moment the convict screamed out a curse at us and hurled a rock which sppntered up against the boulder which had sheltered us.正在这时,那罪犯尖声痛骂了我们一句,便打过来一块石头,那石头在遮住我们的大石上碰得粉碎。

9.On his head was a three-conrnered hat, which in it's better days had perhaps sheltered the grayer head of the lad's father.他头上戴了一顶有三个角的帽子,可能在帽子还新的时候是给这个少年满头银发的父亲戴的。

10.Others have explained our insistence on a fair division by citing the need, for our ancestors, to be sheltered by a strong group.其他学者则将人们坚持公平分享,归因于我们的祖先必须依附在强大团体的庇护下。