



美式发音: [ɡroʊn] 英式发音: [ɡrəʊn]




第三人称单数:groans  现在分词:groaning  过去式:groaned  同义词反义词


v.moan,grunt,cry out,whimper,growl


v.1.哼,呻吟,发呻吟声2.苦恼,烦闷 (beneath; under; with)3.渴望 (for)4.哼着说 (out);用不满意的呻吟声反对1.哼,呻吟,发呻吟声2.苦恼,烦闷 (beneath; under; with)3.渴望 (for)4.哼着说 (out);用不满意的呻吟声反对


v.1.to make a long low sound, for example because you are in pain or unhappy; if wood, metal, or another material groans, it makes a long low sound as it moves2.to speak about something in a way that shows you are unhappy3.if one thing groans under another, it can only just support or bear it; if a table groans with food, there is a lot of food on it

n.1.a long low sound that a person makes, especially when they are in pain or unhappy; a long low sound made by something as it moves2.a complaint

1.呻吟 dentist: 牙科医生 groaned呻吟;抱怨;发吱嘎声 gigantic: 巨大的,庞大的 ...

2.呻吟的注释 ) wrap up in sth. 包,卷 ) groaned a. 呻吟的注释: ) propel v. 推动,推进 ...

3.呻吟了 ... 1. groaned: 呻吟了 2. Milo Groaned: 米洛呻吟着 ...



1.Tom groaned louder, and fancied that he began to feel pain in the toe.汤姆呻吟得更响了,而且感到他的脚真地痛起来。

2.The man cursed and groaned aloud as he dragged himself to his feet.那人一边大声咒骂着,一边挣扎着站起来。

3.The palace still shook occasionally as the earth rumbled in memory, groaned as if it would deny what had happened.宫殿仍在不时地颤动,记忆中大地隆隆作响,叹息着拒绝承认曾经发生的一切。

4.She groaned and shut her eyes as if she suffered a lot, her jaws clenched.她闭着双眼,紧咬着牙关呻吟着,仿佛正在承受巨大的痛苦。

5.I remember at White House, how I would hear that Roosevelt had groaned because still another painting of him had come in as a gift.我记得在白宫的时候,我经常听到罗斯福无可奈何地叹息,因为又有一张他的肖像画作为礼物送来了。

6.He seeth with his eyes, and groaned, as an eunuch embracing a virgin, and sighing.他用眼一看,就喟然长叹,正如一个阉人,拥抱著处女,而喟然长叹一样。

7.I groaned, got up, issued some wine, a corkscrew, some glasses and an ashtray and went back to bed.我呻吟着起身,拿出一些酒,一个开瓶器,几个酒杯和一个烟灰缸,又回到床上接着睡觉。

8.John, disappointed in himself, in his cowardice, banged his head up against the wall and groaned, exasperated.约翰对自己的怯懦感到非常失望,烦躁地把头靠在墙上,但不小心用力过度,让他痛苦的低声呻吟着。

9.He groaned aloud as he started to drag himself to his feet.他开始挣扎着站起来,同时大声地呻吟着。

10.At each end of the pne he stopped to thaw out, but he could have groaned at the anguish of it.每次到了终点站,他都要停车暖和一下,但他还是难过得想要呻吟了。